Teachers Talking About Teaching Mathematics Celia Hoyles Director
NCETM: the Vision to develop a sustainable national infrastructure for subject-specific professional development for teachers of mathematics that will enable the mathematical potential of learners to be fully realised & raise status of the profession
Aims of NCETM to be a ‘gateway’ for the mathematics community to build a community of teachers of mathematics across all stages & sectors from early years through to teachers of adult learners to provide tools & materials that engage teachers of mathematics to support & promote CPD opportunities where possible in partnership with key stakeholders to set out a professional learning framework for all teachers of mathematics
Professional Learning Framework greatest impact on improving effectiveness of teaching and learning is CPD with all three components CPD needs to be cumulative & sustained leading to appropriate recognition &/or accreditation Mathematics Content Knowledge + Subject Specific Pedagogy + Embedding In Practice
What has the NCETM done to date? Portal action research discussions links Subject learning coach Networks Regional Grants resources next steps to increase impact Bowland maths Williams review of mathematics teaching in EY & primary support schools in performance review subject leaders subject associations & HEIs STEM small grants
Bowland Mathematics Initiative for Key Stage funded by Bowland Trust with support from DCFS. aims to develop thinking, reasoning & problem solving skills 23 case studies including classroom materials & supporting training materials cold trials in 2 schools with feedback to developers
Bowland Mathematics Initiative for Key Stage generic CPD package for whole programme by team including the Shell Centre & ATM, MA includes video of teachers discussing problems, teaching the module & reviewing what happened NCETM to support ‘roll-out’ next term formal launch late spring, 2008, with case studies available to schools 2008/9.
Williams Maths Review A review of mathematics teaching in Early Years settings and Primary schools NCETM is supporting the Review through our on-line primary mathematics Survey complete the survey & tell all the primary & EY practitioners you know about it! the sooner the better!
exemplification of standards (TDA & LLUK) Self evaluation tools supporting performance review
TDA standards
self evaluation tool
Subject Leaders NCETM awarded a grant to provide 40 new mathematics subject leaders with 10 day course in Spring course intended for teachers who are new to the role of mathematics subject leader in a secondary school or college who have been in post for less than two years. 3-day initial face-to-face session in January followed by five days' working with colleagues in schools (forming communities on the portal) & 2 more days face-to-face over Jan-April courses based in Warwick & London
NCETM National & Regional Events 12 March 2008, The Potential of ICT in Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Central Hall, Westminster keynote speakers ・ Rt Hon Jim Knight MP, Minister of State for Schools and Learners ・ Jeremy Roschelle, Director of the Centre for Technology in Learning, SRI, Palo Alto, California teacher groups /small grants & selected exhibitions & workshops 17 June 2008 NCETM Second Annual Conference to celebrate a year's achievements & include the launch of the Williams’ Report on EY & primary mathematics. Regional Events See regional pages on portal for all events in your area. For more information visit or
NCETM grants scheme aims to support collaborative teacher research & investigation 28 small grants currently running: 6Key Stage 2/Primary 11Key Stage 3/Secondary 5All Key Stages 2Key Stage 1/Foundation 4Key Stage 4/Post 16 A further 23 approved 31st July All Key Stages 10Key Stage 3 2Key Stage 4 10Primary
Next Call for Grant Applications Another round of grants: Final submission date 14th December (approval early January) STOP PRESS Piloting a new small Development Grant scheme to facilitate ‘research into practice’ Look out for details on the portal two windows for these new Development Grants, March and October each year from 08 onward with a ceiling for grants of £ today we celebrate our small grants giving voice to networks of teachers & their partners increasing impact growing demand Teachers Talking about Teaching Mathematics
Professor Terezinha Nunes Department of Education University of Oxford Her research aims is to understand how children think so we can teach them in ways that help them best to learn & enjoy learning Her work underlines the crucial importance of building from what children know Her focus is on children's logic, the logical moves they make and the ones they need to learn to make so that mathematics seems sensible not arbitrary Street Mathematics, School Mathematics Children doing Mathematics Teaching Mathematics to Deaf Children Are fractions too difficult for primary school children? and more much of the work in collaboration with Prof Peter Bryant