OSCE ACADEMY IN BISHKEK Graduate education European quality MA programme in Central Asia MA in Politics and Security MA in Economic Governance and Development Professional trainings Build-up knowledge and skills of young professionals Contribute to quality of policy- makers and civil society Dialogue on security Encourage and promote dialogue on themes of comprehensive security Provide forum for both academic and policy discussions Research and publications Publish and publicize research and analysis outputs Support critical analysis of history, politics and security
KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Towards stronger OSCE Academy More public talks and lectures hosted More applications to MA programmes More policy briefs published
SOME CHALLENGES AHEAD Key challenges Outreach in some parts of Central Asia Afghanistan research centre to be revisited Financial sustainability The MoU with the host state to be prolonged
MASTERS PROGRAMMES Two Masters programmes graduated 45 students in 2014 The MA in Economic Governance and Development academic schedule was harmonized with the MA in Politics and Security and its start was moved from January to September In Spring 2015 total of 1,028 applications were received for two programmes from 40 different states
REACCREDITATION MA in Politics and Security programme is going through relicensing and reaccreditation in 2015 A new curriculum has been developed, proposing: Streamlined curriculum, introducing Security Studies as a separate course, and decreasing a number of short modules Increasing time for independent study and research while somewhat decreasing amount of time spent in the classroom Overall duration of academic study changed from 13 months to 15 months.
INTERNATIONAL INTERNSHIPS The OSCE Secretariat Geneva Centre for Security Policy Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo The Office of HCNM, the Hague The Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Oslo PIR-Center, Moscow Transitions Online, Prague
ACADEMY’S ALUMNI CITIZENSHIPNUMBER OF GRADUATES Afghanistan26 Kazakhstan40 Kyrgyzstan109 Tajikistan58 Turkmenistan24 Uzbekistan37 Out of region14 TOTAL308
SUPPORTING ALUMNI One scholarship for Masters in Advanced Studies at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy Two one-year research fellowships at Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Alumni chapter meetings and annual conference Travel grants for alumni to take part in professional development events/workshops
PROFESSIONAL TRAININGS Central Asian School of Journalism Supported by Finland and Deutsche Welle Akademie 10-week Summer School, inc TV, Radio, Online Human Rights and Conflict Prevention A two-week long Certificate programme taught in English Participants from all CA states and Afghanistan Public Policy Analysis Designed for civil servants and civil society In demand in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan especially
RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Central Asia Policy Briefs series 19 issues published since Jan 2014 Covering all aspects of security in the region: Afghanistan, police reform, geopolitics, energy trade, Customs Union etc. History-writing in Central Asia In cooperation with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Involving alumni from each CA state A Special issue of Central Asian Survey The papers presented at the annual security conference in September 2014 are under review for publication as a special issue of Central Asian Survey, a peer-reviewed international scholarly journal on the region. Central Asia Data Gathering Team Generation of primary data across Central Asian countries In cooperation with NUPI and involving researchers from each CA state
DIALOGUE ON SECURITY Annual Central Asian Security conference, with the theme of “The Helsinki Final Act at 40: Reflections & Prescriptions vis-à-vis the OSCE in Eurasia” Annual Alumni Conference “Central Asia: Comprehensive Security and Sustainable Development” More than 10 talks and lectures by scholars, diplomats and political figures
The CSTO Secretary General at the Academy
Mr Ahmed Rashid speaking on Afghanistan
Dr Alexander Cooley (Columbia University, New York)
EXPENDITURE BY ACTIVITIES, 2014 AREA OF ACTIVITYAMOUNT, EUR MA in Economic Governance and Development202,114 MA in Politics and Security255,495 Professional trainings119,798 Alumni support39,344 Research and dialogue112,840 General support costs206,347 TOTAL935,938
EXPENDITURE BY SOURCES OF FUNDING DONORAMOUNT, EUR Unified Budget (OSCE CiB)175,562 Finland (ExB)38,015 Germany (ExB)11,170 USA (ExB)119,456 Denmark77,125 Geneva Centre for Security Policy15,920 Norwegian Institute of International Affairs498,688 TOTAL935,938
SECURED FUNDING FOR 2015 DONORAMOUNT, EUR Unified Budget (OSCE CiB)180,000 Finland (ExB)142,442 Germany (ExB)15,000 USA (ExB)188,496 Geneva Centre for Security Policy18,750 Norwegian Institute of International Affairs566,567 TOTAL1,111,255