For education and learning QUALITY MANAGEMENT & EVALUATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Dr. Anu Räisänen Councellor of Education FNB
For education and learning Finnish National Board of Education
For education and learning Finnish National Board of Education National Agency for Learning and Competence Tasks within implementation, monitoring and development of education and training. Activities include Implementing national education policies Preparing the national core curricula and requirements for qualifications Developing education and teaching staff Monitoring education and evaluation of learning outcomes Services for the education sector and administration
For education and learning
For education and learning QUALIFICATIONS Vocational Qualifications (52) 52 qualifications including 120 optional study programs same requirements for youngsters and adults Further (187) and specialist (126) VET qualifications (mainly for adults) 1.competence-based examinations and tests 2.taken by examination boards Apprenticeship training is an alternative pathway to all qualifications
For education and learning UPPER SECONDARY VET, 52 QUALIFICATIONS 1. Humanities and Education 3 vocational qualifications 2. Culture 6 vocational qualifications 3.Social Sciences, Business and Administration 1 vocational qualification 4.Natural Sciences 1 vocational qualification 5. Technology, Communications and Transport 26 vocational qualifications 6.Natural Resources and the Environment 6 vocational qualifications 7.Social Services, Health and Sports 6 vocational qualifications 8.Tourism, Catering and Home Economics 3 vocational qualifications
For education and learning COMPETENCE-BASED QUALIFICATIONS Number of titles of qualifications SectorsVocational qualificatio n Further vocational qualification Specialist vocational qualification Total Natural Resources Sector Technology and Transport Sector Business and Administration Sector Tourism, Catering and Home Economics Sector Health and Social Services Sector, Leisure and Physical Education Culture Sector Humanistic and Educational Sector 336 Natural Sciences Sector 1113 TOTAL
For education and learning NATIONAL REQUIREMENTS (3 YEARS/120 CREDITS) FOR VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATION AT UPPER SECONDARY LEVEL Vocational units90 credits (including at least 20 credits of on-the-job learning) - Basic and field-specific study units (compulsory) - spesialising study units (partly optional) - other optional units (decided by VET provider) Core units (common to all)20 credits such as languages, math, physics, chemistry Free-choice units10 credits -individual choice
For education and learning General Objectives of Vocational Education and Training knowledge and skills necessary for vocational competence and (self-)employment support for personal growth and citizenship knowledge and skills needed in further studies and in life-long learning
For education and learning COMPETENCE-BASED QUALIFICATION SYSTEM Matriculation examination University degrees Polytechnic degrees Specialist vocational qualifications Further vocational qualifications Vocational qualifications Basic education WORKING LIFE
For education and learning NEEDS OF WORKING LIFE On-the-job learning periods Skills demonstrations Individual learning pathways Upper secondary vocational qualifications Indivualisation of adult education Combetence-based-qualifications (for adults) Apprenticeship training Competence based qualificatons Support for teachers on working life skills Support to teachers
For education and learning Design, assessment, validation and recognition of competences / learning outcomes in Finland Design National qualification requirements defined by the FNBE Qualifications divided into units Units composed on basis of functions in working life. Preparation of VQs done in tripartite expert groups. Assessment Skills demonstrations or competence–based examinations Assessment of all units based on qualitative criteria and achieved learning outcome. Assessors: on-the-job-instructors, teachers and student’s self assessment. Assessment criteria of each unit at three levels. Recognition Recognition of prior learning is regulated by VET Act and Degree since.2006 Recognition is based on learning outcomes - not on learning time. VET provider decides on the recognition of (prior) learning – competent institutions! Theory and practice (KSC) are expressed, studied and assessed together within the same unit and there is a common (one) mark in the certificate.
For education and learning Quality management of education Internal and external evaluation & monitoring No inspector system Quality strategy of VET (by Ministry of Education) Recommendation of Quality Support services for VET providers
For education and learning QUALITY STRATEGY IN VET Systematic QM process in different VETlevel Self evaluation & external evaluation have to been developed External audit mechanism for VET Systematic and soft ”akkredidation” process Performance baced financing have to been increaced Rediable monitoring and evaluation system Transparent quality & ”intelligent accountabily” Supporting services for providers and schools by national level Excellent ”know how” in defferent level (i.e. teachers) QM process have to be good (also in pedagogical process) Continue improvement ja development on different level International cooperation in QM in VET
For education and learning ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES IN VET Data from all skills demonstrations – not national tests Assessment base on the national curriculum and quality requirements of skills demonstrations, criteries and background information Feed back to providers (by electronic system) National reports Assessment base on the evaluation plan, by Ministry of Education and Cultur
For education and learning ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Learning outcomes (SKILLS DEMONSTRATIONS) Teaching and learning process quantitative and qualitative indicators quality of teaching and other core process Recourses (finance, time, HRD, equipment...) formative & summative assessment Students’s background: age, sex, previous schools and experiences
For education and learning QUALITATIVE APPROACH IN ASSESSMENT All providers Forest Construction I year II year III year Self evaluation Quality indicators Evaluation visits (n =7) Tasks of SD The plans of SD (evaluators with pears) Evaluation seminars / Workshops / Evaluation panel / Peer Evaluation Skills demontration Anu Räisänen Skills of work process Technical skills (work methods, materials and tools KnowledgeSkills of life long learning
For education and learning FEED BACK MECHANISM IN EVALUATION National evaluation Education provider feedback of their own results Evaluation data Evaluation feedback Web-environment -evaluation instruments (questionnaires, self- assessments, best practices) - data delivery - data processing - feedback production and comparison to best practices PAPER LESS ENVIRONMENT
For education and learning VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN FINLAND - More Information Ministry of Education the Finnish education portal information in Finnish, Swedish and English Finnish National Board of Education information in Finnish, Swedish and English Anu