© Crown copyright 2005 Science subject leader development meetings – Spring 2006 Judging impact
Secondary National Strategy Science © Crown copyright Crown copyright statement The content of this presentation may be reproduced free of charge by schools, local education authorities and ITT providers provided that the material is acknowledged as Crown copyright, the publication title is specified, it is reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. Anyone else wishing to reuse part or all of the content of this publication should apply to HMSO for a core licence. The permission to reproduce Crown copyright protected material does not extend to any material in this publication which is identified as being the copyright of a third party. Applications to reproduce the material from this publication should be addressed to: HMSO, The Licensing Division, St Clements House, 2–16 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BQ Fax:
Secondary National Strategy Science © Crown copyright Objectives To explore effective ways of judging impact To provide subject leaders with the opportunity to reflect on their role in judging impact To share effective local practice
Secondary National Strategy Science © Crown copyright Intended outcomes Subject leaders will have reviewed a number of ways of judging impact and have a clearer understanding of the process of evaluation. Subject leaders will be aware of the actions they need to take to ensure that judging impact is an integral part of their department management.
Secondary National Strategy Science © Crown copyright Ofsted 2005 The SEF is meant to be evaluative; it is not meant to provide a descriptive commentary on the schools history. If you cannot say what you need to in about 20 pages, you are probably describing what you do rather than analysing the impact of what you do. Remember you are trying to convey what parents, pupils and other stakeholders think of the school and give a succinct evaluation. Writing a SEF that works – Ofsted 2005
Secondary National Strategy Science © Crown copyright We should measure what we value, not value what we measure John MacBeath
Secondary National Strategy Science © Crown copyright Task D Is there a clear distinction between monitoring and evaluation? Are the outcomes about implementation or impact? Are they achievable given the actions/ tasks in the plan? What evidence will be collected, by whom and when?