Development of VET in Estonia and the role of Skills Competitions Andres Pung Ministry of Education and Research Tallinn,
Reforms in Estonian VET Began in 1996 Action Plan for Developing Estonian VET System in Unfortunately many aims and objectives were not realized – reorganisation of Ministry, moving to Tartu, lack of political will etc. Bigger changes have taken place from 2005 Development Plan for the Estonian Vocational Education and Training System Good results:
Cooperation with social partners Significant improvement in this field Involvement of social partners in all aspects of VET –In strategic planning –In planning of study places –In management of VET system as a whole and in the management of VET schools –In working out of qualification standards and curricula –In organising of practical training of students in enterprises –In examination committes
Introducing new and flexible study possibilities Life long learning context New study possibilities for different target groups –VET training for people without basic education –VET training without general education –Additional study possibilities for those who want to go on to higher education –Apprenticeship training Continuous VET and retraining possibilities for adults Introducing VET into general schools
Making VET schools system much more effective Main principle: there should be VET study possibilities in each county Concentration of resources – bigger VET centres in regions In 2000 there were: 62 state and 17 private schools In 2008 there are: –32 state schools –3 municipal schools –12 private schools
Improving quality and modernising VET VET standard – was adopted by the Government in April 2006 Methodological centre for VET in REKK –State curricula–15 already established, 25 in preparation –Continuous training for VET teachers and trainers –Preparation of methodological materials Development of e-learning possibilities, e-college Developing the qualification system and improving professional standards
Financing of VET The student in VET and in general school got equal financing in 2005! In 2007 the ratio was already 1,28 : 1 Aim was to change this ratio to 1,5 : 1 in 2008, but it does not realize Investments in 10 VET colleges during ERDF period (08) in amount of 700 million EEK (44,7 million EUR)
Another Good results Good computing and internet opportunities System of modular programmes, which meet the requirements of the vocational standards Ensuring learning opportunities for the students with special needs Teaching basics of entrepeneurship, work relations, community work Optimising number of teaching positions Increasing the teachers formal education level Active international cooperation
Main problems in Estonian VET system Low attractiveness – few motivated students (70 : 30!) Demographic challange Not fully corresponding to economical, regional,social needs The content of VETas well as teaching and learning is not up-to-date and of high quality in every school Not enough motivated teaching staff yet Educating and retraining of VET teachers and trainers is not established systematically yet Methodological development of textbooks and teaching materials is insufficient Very high dropout rate – 14,7% per year! Not renovated and modernised learning environment in many cases Insufficient effectiveness of using resources
Students in general and vocational programmes (ISCED 2-4)
Labour market need for working people in 2014 (prognosis)
Financing general and vocational education on ISCED levels 2-4
Main challanges for Estonian VET in coming period Rising attractiveness of VET Improving quality of studies Introducing Quality Assurance system Meeting needs of very different target groups Enlarging continuing training and retraining Developing qualification system Improving financing Updating the infrastructure of VET colleges
Improving quality of studies 2 ESF programmes in amount of 12,7 m EUR Curriculum development Teacher training Preparation of methodological and study materials E-learning development Introducing quality assurance system We need excellency in VET if we want to act fruitfully in knowledgebased economy
Study possibilities for different target groups - flexibility Variety of target groups increases Sometimes they are very specific ones: people in prisons, without basic education, with special needs together with high-level students and adult people, who need extra- class training Each target group needs specific approach Very high demands for teachers and trainers – we need different types of them
Enlarging continuing training and retraining One of key activities in coming years for Estonian VET system Estonian economy needs restructuring From cheap bid production to products and services with higher added value Very high need for continuous and retraining Financing - 3 measures under 3 ministries 3 ESF programmes in our ministry – 11,5 m EUR
Improving financing and updating the infrastructure Our aim – to realize the ratio 1,5 : 1 in financing study processes in VET and general education Investments of ERDF into VET colleges´ infrastructure in ,6 billion EEK (230 m EUR) –Priorities are facilities for practical training and equipment for it –student hostels
Rising attractiveness of VET Also a special ESF programme for it – 1,7 m EUR Developing national skills competitions´ system as the main activity in this programme Skills competitions: –Good stimulus for competitors –Settling higher standards for training –Main attracting tool
Thank you for attention!