Summer 2012 Day 2, Session 1 Educator Effectiveness Academy English Language Arts “Transitioning to the Common Core State Standards by Making Strategic and Informed Choices in the Classroom” 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE1 REMINDER: If you have not yet done so, please read both the handout titled “A Guide to Creating Text-Dependent Questions for Close Analytic Reading” and the close reading lesson.
EEA Summer 2012: ELA Outcomes Participants will… examine and apply the Maryland CCSC resources text complexity; lesson alignment CMS UDL, Learning Links analyze the instructional shifts inherent in the CCSS increased rigor integration of the English language arts strands balance of informational and literary texts close analytic reading writing instruction short, focused research projects; comparison and synthesis of ideas develop an understanding of current PARCC information assessments supports 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE2
9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE3 Participants will define close analytic reading characteristics of close analytic reading examine the characteristics of close analytic reading Session Outcomes ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 practice generating text-dependent questions as the foundation of a close analytic reading Close Analytic Reading
What is it? What does it look like? Two Key Questions ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE4
What is close analytic reading? A close reading is the careful, sustained analysis of any text that focuses on significant details or patterns and that typically examines some aspect of the text’s form, craft, meanings, etc. ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE5
What does PARCC say about close analytic reading? Close analytic reading stresses engaging with a text of sufficient complexity directly and examining its meaning thoroughly and methodically, encouraging students to read and reread deliberately. PARCC Model Content Frameworks for ELA/Literacy, p. 6. ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE6
Close analytic reading stresses engaging with a text of sufficient complexity directly and examining its meaning thoroughly and methodically, encouraging students to read and reread deliberately. Directing student attention on the text itself empowers students to understand the central ideas and key supporting details. PARCC Model Content Frameworks for ELA/Literacy, p. 6. ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE7 What does PARCC say about close analytic reading?
Close analytic reading stresses engaging with a text of sufficient complexity directly and examining its meaning thoroughly and methodically, encouraging students to read and reread deliberately. Directing student attention on the text itself empowers students to understand the central ideas and key supporting details. It also enables students to reflect on the meanings of individual words and sentences; the order in which sentences unfold; and the development of ideas over the course of the text, which ultimately leads students to arrive at an understanding of the text as a whole. PARCC Model Content Frameworks for ELA/Literacy, p. 6. ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE8 What does PARCC say about close analytic reading?
Close analytic reading stresses engaging with a text of sufficient complexity directly and examining its meaning thoroughly and methodically, encouraging students to read and reread deliberately. together add up to — from the smallest linguistic matters to larger issues of overall understanding and judgment. Directing student attention on the text itself empowers students to understand the central ideas and key supporting details. It also enables students to reflect on the meanings of individual words and sentences; the order in which sentences unfold; and the development of ideas over the course of the text, which ultimately leads students to arrive at an understanding of the text as a whole.Close analytic reading entails the careful gathering of observations about a text and careful consideration about what those observations taken PARCC Model Content Frameworks for ELA/Literacy, p. 6. ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE9 What does PARCC say about close analytic reading?
What have ELA experts observed about the CCSS for ELA/Literacy vis-à-vis close analytic reading? Past standards have been based largely upon theories of reading comprehension drawn from cognitive science. Emphasize procedures or strategies that readers use to guide their reading (e.g., summarization, questioning, monitoring, visualizing) The common core standards are also based upon theory, but literary theory not psychological theory. Depend heavily upon “New Criticism” Timothy Shanahan. University of Illinois at Chicago. CTPP Fall Summit ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE10
Close Analytic Reading Okay, so that’s what it is. But, what does it look like at my grade level? Two Key Questions ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE11
9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE12 Activity #1 Locate the close reading sample in your notebooks. Take a few minutes to review the sample silently. Discuss at your table the characteristics of close reading that you can infer from the sample. Close Analytic Reading ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1
Let’s talk! Discuss at your table the characteristics of close reading that you can infer from the sample. Be prepared to share with the large group. Be prepared to share with the large group. ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE13
Let’s share! ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE14
9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE15 Activity #2 In your binders, locate the chapter titled “The Wooden Horse” from The One-Eyed Giant. Take a few minutes to review the chapter silently. Review the “Guide to Creating Text-Dependent Questions for Close Analytic Reading.” Close Analytic Reading ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1
9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE16 Activity #2 In your binders, locate the excerpt titled “The Lord of the Winds” from The Wanderings of Odysseus AND the excerpt from the speech by Mark Twain. Take a few minutes to review each text silently. Review the “Guide to Creating Text-Dependent Questions for Close Analytic Reading.” Close Analytic Reading ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1
9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE17 Activity #2 In your binders, locate the excerpt from The Odyssey AND the excerpt from the speech by Mark Twain. Take a few minutes to review each text silently. Review the “Guide to Creating Text-Dependent Questions for Close Analytic Reading.” Close Analytic Reading ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1
9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE18 Activity #2 Text-dependent questions: Close Analytic Reading ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 “privilege” the text enable students to notice what they might otherwise miss delve “systematically into a text”
9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE19 Activity #2 Generate a set of purposeful, text-dependent questions that would require a close analytic reading of the text assigned to your small group. Close Analytic Reading ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 Record your set of questions on chart paper and post the chart for sharing with the large group. Consult the sample of a close analytic reading. Consider the suggestions in the “Guide to Creating Text-Dependent Questions for Close Analytic Reading.”
Let’s share! ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE20
What are the implications of close analytic reading for making strategic and informed decisions in ELA? Selection of text Role of strategic reading v close reading Reader stamina: “thorough, methodical analysis” Level of questioning Use of evidence in writing or speaking to support claims about the text ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE21
9/15/2015R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE22 ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 A key question to examine… How do we navigate the tension between reading comprehension theory and literary theory to provide the best instruction for our students?
9/15/ Session Closure: : 3: Describe 3 ways in which the information and activities about close analytic reading will help teachers make strategic and informed choices. 2: 2: Describe 2 ideas or points about close analytic reading that you plan to explore further to help teachers make strategic and informed choices. 1 : 1 : Describe 1 idea or point about close analytic reading that you think is critical for planning professional development for your school. ELA EEA Day 2, Session 1 R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE