CreativeMe Creativity guide. An overwiew.
What is CreativeMe? A creative and cross disciplinary e-learning environment for product development Target groups: 2nd and 3rd level students and teachers Languages: EN, ES, FR Developed during an EU LLP, KA3 (ICT) multilateral project – Project LLP FI-KA3- KA3MP – CreaCIT – Creative Cross Innovation Tutor for Product Development
Why CreativeMe? Critical thinking, creativity, initiative, problem- solving, risk assessment, decision-taking and constructive management play a role in all 8 key competences for lifelong learning. Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training (ET 2020 strategic objective)
But…. “People would never become more creative citizens by parliamentary decree” Less WHAT, more HOW
Creativity guide Creativity and education Product development Pedagogical model Case studies
Section 1 Creativity and education What’s the role of education in the promotion of creative dispositions?
Creativity is not … easy …
Creative school ecosystem Identify main actors / environments Draw relations (barriers / enablers)
Teachers’ perceptions on creativity Tick as appropriate Creativity should be applied to every school subject I actively promote creativity in my lessons Play and multi-disciplinary work are embedded in my lessons Creativity can be assessed
Let’s compare results Creativity should be applied to every school subject (96%) I actively promote creativity in my lessons (80%) Play and multi-disciplinary work are embedded in my lessons (>50%) Creativity can not be assessed at all (>50%) Source: ICEAC. Creativity and Innovation in Education and Training in the EU 27.
Teacher as idea agent Create optimal conditions to achieve creative outputs Understand, harness and supervise the functions of an idea development team Extract the best from each student in team and also inspire them Source: The Idea Agent. Michanek & Breiler
Motivation Try to remember the last time your students were fully absorbed and engaged in the task they were doing Why was that?
Wild topics Rich Challenging Extended Relevant Responsibility Real Unfathomable Collaborative
Self-efficacy Who am I? What do I know? Whom do I know?
Silence is an art Think about the time when you have stayed silent despite: Having a good idea yourself? Having some advice you wanted to share with your students? Having real misgivings about the way things were going? Wanting to speed things up? Source: The Lazy Teacher’s Handbook. Jim Smith.
Creativity needs … Time and suitable atmosphere Scaffolds Real beneficiaries Real audience Visibility Feedback Student-led Awareness and reflection Chaos (a bit of)
Section 2 Product development A good enabler of creativity in the classroom?
An introduction to design thinking
Product development cycle
Section 3 Pedagogical model Translating theory into practice
Module themes Real life inspired themes creating meeting points for different disciplines and fields of education Play Movement Health & Wellbeing
Module structure
Module example
Module & creativity methods
Section 4 Case studies Talk the talk, and walk the walk
Case studies Secondary – IES Cuenca del Nalón (Spain) VET – Technical School Centre Nova Gorica (Slovenia) 3rd level – University of Vaasa, University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Section 5 Appendixes
Partners – Western Finland Design Centre MUOVA (Aalto, TaiK-UWASA), coordinator – Digital Media Centre DMC (DIT - The Dublin Institute of Technology) – Estonian Acedemy of Arts EAA – Seinäjoki Vocational Education Centre SEDU – University of Vaasa UWASA, Department of Production – Flemish Ministry of Education & Training DBO – Ciudad Industrial del Valle sen Nalón S.A.U., VALNALÓN – Tehniški šolski center Nova Gorica TSC Associated partners – COTEC (Fundacion Cotec of Spain) - private foundation – I3G - Graphic Expression in Engineering Research Group - University of Oviedo – IES Cuenca del Nalón (secondary non-VET educational institute) – SEMA (Société d'Encouragement aux Métiers d'Art)
Contact information Western Finland Design Centre MUOVA Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture* - University of Vaasa Role Project coordinator Contact Tanja Oraviita Tel: Web: *before : Aalto University School of Art and Design Digital Media Centre Dublin Institute of Technology Role Principal Learning Environment Design & Development Partner Contact James Wogan Tel: Web:
Thank you! This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. © Creative Cross Innovation Tutor for product development