Missouri Reading Initiative Evaluation Plan: Goals, Activities, and Responsibilities
Overview Goals Who What When Roles and Responsibilities
Goals I.Measure Outcomes II.Monitor Program Implementation (Process) III.Provide Useful Information for Program Development : Schools and MRI
Who? MRI Staff University Interns School Personnel 5,000-7,000 Respondents: new schools 20,000+ students 1,500+ Teachers
What? Logic and Instruments Basic Program Logic: Step 1 ( Strategic Input): MRI provides instruction in Comprehensive Literacy... Step 2 (Strategic Objective): Classroom teachers change to (reinforce) Comprehensive Literacy practice resulting in... Step 3 (Long-Term Outcome): Improved levels of student achievement in communication arts.
Data Collection “Instruments” “Teacher Beliefs and Practices Survey”: Measures teacher beliefs and attitudes about learning styles, and how frequently they utilize certain practices in their classrooms. (Pre and Post)
Data Collection “Instruments” Annual MRI Questionnaire: Set of questions with scaled responses given at year-end to teachers, administrators and other participants that focuses on implementation process. Teacher/Administrator Interviews: Semi-structured interviews that ask about the strengths and weaknesses of various program elements. (Exit)
Data Collection “Instruments” Standardized Test Scores: MAP and school-based scores used to document student achievement. Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) scores: An assessment tool that measures individual student reading development; a component of MRI instruction. Create Baselines and collect as implemented
Data Collection “Instruments” Student data--- student age, gender, social and economic data (free/reduced lunch status, family type), ethnicity/race. Teacher data --- years teaching, length of service at school. School data --- size, percentage on free/reduced lunch, rural/urban. Document review --- collection, review, and analysis of documents relating to program design, budgets, implementation, school involvement, etc.
Timeline: Orientation: April-May 2007 Present evaluation plan and finalize evaluation roles and responsibilities Provide each school with a thorough orientation to the MRI program activities.
Timeline: Year I: ( ) September-December 2007 Conduct Pre-Teachers Beliefs & Practices Survey Collect student demographic data Collect baseline student achievement scores Collect baseline DRA scores Collect school information
Timeline: Year I: ( ) January-May 2008 Update Student Achievement Scores April-May 2008 Implement end-of-year questionnaire to teachers and administrators Update student demographic info. June-August 2008 Prepare site reports/1st year report
Timeline: Year II: ( ) September 2008-May 2009 Update standardized test scores as they occur Update DRA scores as they occur May 2009 Conduct end-of-year questionnaire (May) Update student demographic info. June-August 2009 Prepare site reports/2nd year report
Timeline: Year III: ( ) September 2009-May 2010 Update standardized test scores Update DRA scores March-May 2010 Conduct post-Teacher beliefs and Practices Survey Conduct exit interviews Collect final student achievement data Update student demographic info.
Timeline: Year III: ( ) June-August 2010 Prepare final site reports Fall 2010 Final Report
Roles and Responsibilities Schools Collect and transmit data; Test Scores Special Education Interviews Surveys Provide General information School Student Teacher Service MRI Support data collection Staff Set up systems Design Forms Data Entry Analysis Reports