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Presentation transcript:


3 Year Reading Trend

3 Year Math Trend

3 Year Writing Trend

3 Year Science Trend

2009 WASL Comparisons * Higher than district average ** Higher than state average


Reading Goals In Review Increase Reading WASL scores to 88.1 by –We are not there yet, but are working hard to be there by Met target in “All” category (2009). Met target in all other sub-categories required (2009)

Reading Initiatives Staff development time utilized to align pacing calendars, lessons and materials with areas of concern (Comprehension of literary texts and analysis/interpretation of informational text. Beginning steps to learn about RTI –Wayne Callender and Patricia Calabrese Workshops –Reading “RTI From All Sides”, Howard, Mary (2009) Reading incentive program (Reading Counts) goals set higher to motivate more reading. Piloted diagnostic/prescriptive on-line reading program (DORA/Unique Reader).

Reading Assessment & AYP

Math Goals In Review Increase Math WASL scores to 82.4 by –We are not there yet, but are working to be there by Met Target in “All” category and all sub- categories with the exception of “Special Education Math” and “Low Income Math”.

Math Initiatives Staff development time utilized to align pacing calendars, lessons and materials with new standards. Materials sought to help fill in areas in which general curriculum is weak. All staff were trained In “Young Mathematicians” training (Heather Dorsey). Plan to include more instruction in “Algebraic Sense”, “Probability and Statistics”, “Math Vocabulary” and “Measurement”. Staff worked on plans to help students gain automaticity in basic facts.

Math Assessment & AYP

Targets In Our Sights Reading (Targets met, but too close for comfort) –Special Education –Low Income Math (Targets not met) –Special Education –Low Income

Reading Goals for Increase reading adjusted scores to 78% or better in “Special Education Subgroup” (Above Bar). Increase reading adjusted scores to 78% or better in “Low income subgroup” (Above Bar) Increase reading adjusted scores to 85% in “All” group (Above Bar) Improve EasyCBM reading scores fall/spring

How Will We Get There in Reading? Begin to implement RTI tiered instruction Use data from EasyCBM to monitor student progress and make ongoing adjustments to classroom instruction Develop grade level math word lists, and teach/assess math vocabulary in a systematic way across all grade levels Initiate a plan for increased instruction/ assessment of literal and inferential comprehension at every level

How Will we Get There in Reading? ll Utilize non- fiction books, that tie in with our science and social studies units, to improve comprehension, higher level thinking and problem solving skills Implementation of specific intervention time in at least three grade levels by the end of

Math Goals for Increase math adjusted scores to 66% or better in “Special Education Subgroup” (Above Bar). Increase math adjusted scores to 66% or better in “Low Income Subgroup” (Above Bar) Increase math adjusted scores to 73% in “All” group (Above Bar)

How will We Get There in Math? Develop and use common grade level assessments in math to assess and adjust instruction. Initiate efforts at every grade level to work at school and at home to increase automaticity in basic math facts. Develop grade level math word lists, and teach/assess math vocabulary in a systematic way across all grade levels

How will We Get There in Math ll? Plan and initiate a greater focus on reading skills within the context of math instruction at all levels of instruction Skills grouping as needed in 3/4/5 in order to focus on enrichment and interventions as identified by grade levels using common assessments

Ongoing Initiatives Studying/Implementing PLCs Studying/Implementing RTI reading Implementing EasyCBM reading assessments Implementing intervention friendly schedule Implementing Breakthrough Coach Training Increasing number and quality of CWTs Benchmark 3x and frequent progress monitoring for those needing it