©2006, Creating Change, Inc. Idaho 21 st Century Community Learning Centers Idaho 21 st CCLC Bidder’s Workshop
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. ID 21 st CCLC Data Collection Academic Enrichment Family
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Academic Data Goal Setter K-2 Reading K=3 Math ISAT
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Targeted Academic Enrichment Target Academic Enrichment is a process whereby after-school staff work in conjunction with regular school-day teachers to meet the most pressing academic needs of the student.
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Goal Alignment Federal Goal ↓ State Goal ↓ Grantee (Site) Goal ↓ Center Goal ↓ Individual Student Goal
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Actual Goal Alignment FED: The focus of this program, re-authorized under Title IV, Part B, of the No Child Left Behind Act, is to provide expanded academic enrichment opportunities for children attending low performing schools. Tutorial services and academic enrichment activities are designed to help students meet local and state academic standards in subjects such as reading and math. ↓ STATE: Provide opportunities for academic achievement, including tutorial services, to help students (particularly students in high poverty areas and those who attend low-performing schools) meet state and local student performance standards in core academic subjects such as reading and mathematics. ↓ SITE: All regular program participants will meet or exceed individual academic achievement goals.
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Targeted Academic Enrichment Every child has at least 1 academic goal in at least one of the following: Goal Setter K-2 Reading K-3 Math ISAT
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. K-2 Reading The K-2 Reading Test is used to determine whether a student can recognize letters, sounds, and syllables and is correlated with the IRI.
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. K-3 Math Assessment The K-3 Math Assessment is a pre/post measure aligned to the mathematics standards for Idaho.
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. ISAT The Idaho Standardized Achievement Test is given to all students grades 3 through 10. The ISAT consists of sections in Math (5 goal areas), Reading (2 goal areas), and Language (2 goal areas). Goals are established for students based on their individual scores.
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. ISAT The goals can be set on any section of the ISAT. The lowest score for each goal is marked by a blue band.
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Path to Achievement
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Data for
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Data for
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Data for
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Data for
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Enrichment Data Courses Social Data
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Courses Dates Times Categories Students Attendance
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Social Data
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Family Special Events
©2007 Creating Change, Inc. Programmatic Attendance Federal Reporting Information State Reporting Information
©2006, Creating Change, Inc. Idaho 21 st Century Community Learning Centers Matt McCarter, State Director 21 st CCLC, Idaho Travis Frederickson & Jack Hatch, Creating Change, Inc.