MAT 0145 College Readiness Math II Spring
Dr. Wai W. Lau Dr. Lau Wai
Dr. Wai W. Lau Dr. Lau Wai =
Dr. Wai W. Lau Dr. Lau Wai = =
Office Hours See course web page By Appointment
Course Web Page Link to this document and other course information
This class This course is designed to prepare you for MAT 1110 (Precalculus), MAT 2700 (Business Statistics), MAT 1360 (Introduction to Statistics.)
Pedagogy This is an activity-based course Work in group to solve problems Minimum formal lectures Attendance is crucial* for learning
Pedagogy This is an activity-based course Work in group to solve problems Minimum formal lectures Attendance is crucial* for learning (*We will do some experiments in the coming weeks and see if some of these activities can be done without coming to class and still maintain their effectiveness.)
Calculators Scientific/graphic calculators with more than 184 K combined memory (RAM/Flash ROM) or symbolic computation ability are NOT allowed (e.g.TI-83 Plus Silver Ed., TI-89, TI-92 Casio FX-2.0 HP 38g, 39g, 40g, 48g/48g+/48gx, 49g). You are expected to learn to use your calculator on your own.
Text 1.Math in Action, 4 th ed. 2. MyMathLab Access Card
Text (Acceptable Scenarios) What if...Then... I don’t careTextbook + MyMathLab access card I have the book alreadyMyMathLab access card I do not want to buy the bookMML comes with etext. You can print out the activities and bring them to class.
MyMathLab Online Homework System Instant feedback In general, 5 attempts per question Due 2:50pm the next school day with a class
MyMathLab Online Homework System We will enroll all of you into HW system today after you finish activity 3.1 We will move to OMH 139 for this purpose
Objectives Summary This course provides an introduction to functions and how they are being use in different settings. (Read the syllabus for details.)
Tutoring Bonus Points You can get up to 10 bonus points for your first exam by going to the tutoring! (distribute the tutoring bonus record sheet)
Exams 1 Mid-term Exam and a Final Exam.
Class Participation This is an activity-based course. It is extremely crucial that you are not late for classes.
Class Participation You can earn a maximum of 5 points each day by coming to class and participate in activities.
Class Participation You can earn a maximum of 5 points each day by coming to class and participate in activities. If you are late, the max. points you can get will be reduced*: Minutes Late...Max. Points Reduction points points >10-5 points
Group Activities 3 persons per group Keep your voices at a reasonable level Your group can leave as soon as you finish all the activities designated on that day (I will check your answers.)
Warning No text messaging, web surfing, sending,…… Turn off your phone before you enter the classroom***.
Warning Annoying behaviors will reduce the maximum participation points that you can get.
Points Distribution Exam 1120 points Final Exam120 points MyMathLab HW80 points Class Participation80 points
Final Class Grade 90%A Range 80%B Range 70%C Range 60%D Range Below 60%E
Missing Classes You are responsible to catch up all the materials if you miss classes for whatever reasons (sickness, family issues, family Hawaii vacation, etc).
Make-Up Policies NO makeups for class participations If a student has a documented conflict that will prevent him or her from taking an exam at the scheduled time, he/she must arrange IN ADVANCE with the instructor to take the exam early.
Study Hints Studying in groups is an efficient way to learn mathematics. Pre-class Reading (2.5 hours) Class Post-class Study, homework (6-8 hours) There are tutorials in the CD-ROM comes with the textbook.
Study Hints Studying in groups is an efficient way to learn mathematics. Pre-class Reading (30 min.) Class Post-class Study, homework (1-3 hours)
Help!! Free Math tutoring available Location: OMH 249
Help!! Talk to me. I am available during office hours and other times.
MAT 0145 College Readiness Math II Activity 3.1
Groups Please form groups of 3 persons (note that one of your classmate is missing) Move to tables such that groups will not disturb each other.
3.1 Graphs Tell Stories 1. Describe in words what a graph tells you about a given situation. 2. Sketch a graph that best represents a situation that is described in words. 3. Identify increasing, decreasing, and constant parts of a graph.
3.1 Graphs Tell Stories 4. Identify minimum and maximum points on a graph. 5. Define a function. 6. Use the vertical line test to determine whether a graph represents a function.
MAT 0145 College Readiness Math II MyMathLab Enrollment
You need 3 things 1. Course ID: lau address: (Your SPU address) 3.* Student access code, a valid credit card, or a PayPal account
Step 1 Click the link on the course webpage or Google “MyMathLab” and use the first link.
Step 2 Click “STUDENT”
Step 3 Click “OK! Register now”
Step 4 Enter “lau98707”
Step 5 Click “Create” unless... you already have an account with Pearson
Step 6 Fill in the registration form
Step 7 (I have no pictures from here on...) On the Register page, select one of the following access options: Use an Access Code Purchase Access Online Request Temporary Access Get temporary access without payment for 14 days at the bottom of the Register page. You will receive a confirmation with payment instructions. Choose this option for now...
Step 8 Click “Go to Your Course” to access your course. See if you can find the HW for 3.1