BENJAMIN DILLON Education –SJHS ’86, Purdue ’89, IUSB ’99 Contact –289-TREK Favorite Quote –“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!” Through the Looking-Glass Biography
BENJAMIN DILLON Every member of this class is responsible for maintaining a positive classroom environment. Attendance –Homework and quizzes during absences automatically become optional –For work other than homework and quizzes, planned absences get no extension, and unplanned absences get extension equal to number of days absent Tardiness –“On time” includes not needing to leave after arrival Consequences –Warning, AM/PM, Detention (resets every quarter) Policies
AP CALCULUS BC H Course Description This course follows the content established by the College Board. Topics include: (1) functions, graphs, and limits: analysis of graphs, limits of functions, asymptotic and unbounded behavior, continuity as a property of functions, and parametric, polar, and vector functions, (2) derivatives: concept of the derivative, derivative at a point, derivative as a function, second derivatives, applications of derivatives and computation of derivatives, (3) integrals: interpretations and properties of definite integrals, applications of integrals, fundamental theorem of calculus, techniques and applications of antidifferentiation, and numerical approximations to definite integrals, and (4) polynomial approximations and series: concept of series, series of constants, and Taylor series.
AP CALCULUS BC H Course Outcomes Students will work with functions represented graphically, numerically, analytically, or verbally, and they will understand the connections among these representations. Students will understand the derivative as a rate of change and local linear approximation and will use them to solve problems. Students will understand the definite integral both as a limit of Riemann sums and as the net accumulation of change and will use them to solve problems. Students will understand the relationship between the derivative and the definite integral as expressed in both parts of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Students will model physical situations using calculus.
AP CALCULUS BC H Course Structure Materials –Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions, Smith & Minton –Calculator (TI-89 recommended, TI-83+ or TI-84+ allowed) AP requires first ten chapters, so about one every three weeks Grading –Each chapter will consist of several optional homeworks (5 points apiece), a quiz (10), a practice AP exam problem (25), a test (100), and a journal (0). There may be additional extra credit opportunities in the form of contests, and there will be a major project after the AP exam. –Most components will use the standard SJHS grading scale (A+ ≥ 99, A ≥ 95, A- ≥ 93, B+ ≥ 91, B ≥ 87, B- ≥ 85, C+ ≥ 83, C ≥ 79, C- ≥ 77, D+ ≥ 75, D ≥ 72, D- ≥ 70)
SAINT JOSEPH’S HS Strategies for Success in Math Be active in studying, not passive. Take complete notes; participate in class; keep up with homework; form a study group. Be specific in asking questions, not vague. The best response you can expect in reply to a comment like “I don’t understand this section” is a brief review of the section that will likely overlook the particular concept that isn’t understood. Be resourceful in doing problems, not conventional. When you cannot solve a problem, try another tactic: work backward, make a table, consider a special case, draw a picture, or solve a simpler related problem.