7.3 Eukaryotic Cell Structure 1.Plasma Membrane a.Animal and Plant cells b Cell Wall a.Plant cells, fungi, bacteria, some protists b.--- located outside plasma membrane that provides ---
7.3 Eukaryotic Cell Structure 1.Nucleus a.--- b.Chromatin – strands of DNA 2.Nucleolus a Nuclear Envelope a.Between nucleus and cytoplasm 4.Ribosomes a.--- made of RNA and protein
7.3 Eukaryotic Cell Structure 1.Cytoplasm a.--- b Endoplasmic Reticulum a.Rough ER – --- b.Smooth ER – Golgi Apparatus a.---
7.3 Eukaryotic Structure 1.Vacuoles a.--- of materials 2.Lysosomes a.Digests material, garbage disposal 3.Mitochondria a Chloroplasts a.--- to make energy for plant cells 5.Plastids a.Store things 6.Chlorophyll a.---
7.3 Eukaryotic Structure 1.Cytoskeleton a.--- b.Microtubules c.Microfilaments 2.Centrioles a.Important role in Cilia a.--- b.Help move cell 4.Flagella a.--- b.Help move cell