+ Hearst Elementary School The best little school in the District! Dr. Deborah Bergeron, Principal Comprehensive School Plan –
+ Comprehensive School Plan Overview Sets short and long term goals Identifies school strategies for reaching set goals Revisited regularly throughout the school year by LSAT (Local School Advisory Team) and ALT (Academic Leadership Team) We have an internal and external CSP Internal CSP is what we will use to drive our actions throughout the school year
+ CAS Pass Rate History Overall Math Increase – 6.7 % points Overall Reading Increase – 7.6 % points FARMS Reading Increase – 21 % points 76 of our Math/Reading (3 rd -5 th ) scores increased at least one level Many students moved from Basic to Advanced and Basic to Proficient in Reading and Math Index Score = 72 (Rising) – Need 80 to be Reward School – highest level! SubjectSY11-12SY12-13 ELA63%71% MATH60%67% SubjectSY12-13SY13-14SY15-16SY16-17 ELA69%80%85%90% MATH70%80%85%90% 5 Year Goals
+ SY13-14 Priority Goals Increase ELA CAS Scores to 80% pass rate, including 20% Advanced. Increase Math CAS Scores to 80% pass rate, including 30% Advanced. Increase authentic writing experiences for students across the curriculum. Increase hands-on experiential learning in social studies and science. Increase exposure to technology, including use of various forms of technology and software programs. Overarching Theme: “Connectivity”
+ School Strategies - ELA Structured ELA Block – including Guided Reading, Independent Reading Time, Word Study/Phonics Handwriting Without Tears in PK-3 FUNdations in K-2 Reader’s Workshop in grades 3-5 Writer’s Workshop in grades 1-5 Mandatory book completion rates for all grade levels. Two ELA Nights, one in fall and one in spring. Teachers will be trained in Close Reading as a focus area for the year. ATPP conferences with parents to increase awareness of ELA goals and standards. RTI will be used for struggling students. After school reading programming provided by PTA. S.A.I.L. program for advanced students will be offered in 3 rd -5 th grades.
+ School Strategies - Math STMath will be used in grades 1-5. Teachers will provide students with weekly brain teasers to be taken home and solved with family on Wednesdays and brought back the next Tuesday to share with the class. (to begin late fall) ATPP conferences with parents to increase awareness of math goals and standards. Two Family Math Nights will be held, one in the fall and one in the spring. STMath training and ongoing development to be provided by MIND Research. GOMath! Will be used at all grade levels. Daily Fluency in all classrooms – 3 fluency assessments throughout the year PTA will allocate funds toward technology integration in the classroom, including math applications. RTI will be implemented for struggling students. After school tutoring in math to be provided by teachers – CAS Academy style. S.A.I.L. program for advanced students will be offered in 3 rd – 5 th grades.
+ School Strategies - Writing Implementation of the new DCPS writing curriculum. Writer’s Workshop to be implemented in most classrooms. Minimum writing requirement each 6 week unit at all grade levels Grades 3-5 will implement Reader’s Workshop model, which includes extensive writing experiences. Writing benchmarks have been set for all grade levels, requiring specific writing completion at each grade level.
+ School Strategies - Technology The school is equipped with lap tops and laptop carts to accommodate 1 st -5 th grades. iPads will be purchased for PK-K and a cart for 1-5. Elmo Cameras will be purchased for classroom teachers. All classrooms have SmartBoards. PTA will be funding PD for teachers to maximize use of SmartBoards.
+ School Strategies – Hands-On Activities Specific time has been set aside in each classroom daily for science & social studies. Teachers will require students to complete one project- based learning assignment per 6 week period. These will primarily take place in Science/Social Studies. Each project will include an extension for advanced students.
+ More connectivity… Hearst Partners with Flamboyan! Instructional aides – assigned to students Ms Janna Walker – Reading Specialist Small Group Instruction Teacher Support Ms Johnson – 4/5 RTI in Reading Incredible new Enrichment Programs by PTA!
+ How do YOU “connect” here? Know your child’s current math and reading levels. TRC DIBELS PIA & CAS from 2013 Know your child’s goals in math and reading for the year. Read regular communication from school and respond. Join PTA and attend meetings. Volunteer to help with ONE thing at Hearst (might be done at home).