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3 Location
J 962 I 229 H 935 G 350 F 385 M E A B Q P C N 158 O P1 S1 203 L3 49 M3 166 K3 423 J I3 H3 733 G F3 E3 314 D3 470 C3 A Z2 Y2 X2 W2 505 V2 300 M2 N2 O2 P2 H2 J2 K2 L SCALE: 1 CM = 2 ½ CHAINS 5 SITE DRAWING Site Drawing
6 Photographs
11 Land Availability
13 Layout Requirements
- Adequate - Clean and Clear - Potable - 24 Hours Supply - Tap Running Water WATER SUPPLY 15 Amenities
- Ground water - Municipal water - Independent near by Water source - Desalination of sea water exploration OF WATER SOURCE Desalination of sea water 16 Amenities
- 24 Hours Uninterrupted Supply - Three Phased - Stable - Underground Cable Supply POWER SUPPLY 17 Amenities
SOURCES OF POWER - State Electric Supply - Wind Power - Solar Based - Diesel Generated - Wastage Based - Stand by System 18 Amenities
SEWAGE - Underground - Update Technology - Recycling 19 Amenities
Garbage and Wastage Disposal System 20 Amenities
Telecommunications 21 Amenities
Security 22 Amenities
Open Spaces 23 Amenities
Crz area development 24 Amenities
26 Civil Infrastructure
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 28 Infrastructure Facilities
30 Housing
32 Estimated Cost
Sl. No Item Description Expected Dev. charges per Sq.yard (in Rs.) MinimumMaximum 1Land conversion fee to the Govt. 20 2CRZ Study and Approval 20 3Land Survey and Site Plan Layout Plan Study and Preparation VUDA Approval for the Layout 60 6Compound Wall 100 7Civil Works (Leveling, Roads, Drains etc.) Water Supply 250 9Power Supply Sewage System Essential Amenities (Telecommunications, Security, Horticulture) Infrastructure Facilities (Community Hall, Office Building, Recreation Centre etc.) Temple 60 14Maintenance Fund (Refundable) Contingency provision 25 Total Members pay only the actual cost incurred in proportion to the Plot size. The indications are rough estimates to be firmed up by the Consultants first and Work Order thereon. The indications are at current price level and applicable to old Members only. 34 Cost Data Sheet
35 Relative Costs
37 Methodology
38 Methodology
40 Monitoring
42 Finance Committee
43 Finance Committee
44 Approvals
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