Cell Organelles
CELL ORGANELLES Nucleus Nuclear Pore hole in nuclear envelope that allows material in and out of nucleus. Nucleolus make RNA for ribosome formation Chromatin Hereditary material (DNA and proteins) Nuclear Sap fluid in nucleus
CELL ORGANELLES Cell Membrane plasma membrane covers the cell and holds it together- regulates what enters and leaves cell Nucleus controls cell activities Nuclear envelope Controls movement of materials in/out of nucleus using pores
Cell Organelles Cytoplasm everything in cell but DNA Cytosol – the organelles are bathed in a gelatin-like aqueous fluid. Mitochondria breaks down sugar molecules into energy called ATP (powerhouse) Inner membrane has many long folds called Cristae (more surface area for more chemical rxn)
Organelles Cont… Ribosome synthesizes proteins Composed of a protein and RNA Most abundant organelle Golgi complex Packaging center- makes vacuoles (gift wrapper)
Organelles Cont… Endoplasmic reticulum carries materials through cell (post office) Works with the golgi Rough ER – has ribosomes (located where lots of proteins are made) Smooth ER – no ribosomes makes steroids in gland cells, regulates calcium in muscle tissue, and breaks down toxic substances with liver
Organelles Cont… Lysosome breaks down larger food molecules into smaller molecules *digests old cell parts (garbage disposal) Vacuole store food, water, waste
Organelles Cont… Cytoskeleton – network of long protein strands located in cytosol (cell structure). Microtubules structural support for cell Centriole microtubules used in mitosis Microfilament movement and attachment (large part of muscle cells)
Organelles continue (Animals) Microbody contain enzymes for metabolic activity
Organelles cont… Movement Cilia – hair-like projection that are short and present in large numbers. Flagella – hair-like projection that are longer and fewer in number.
Organelles PLANT (Differences) Cell wall support (grow tall) *protection-allows H2O, O2, CO2 to pass into and out of cell Vacuole store food, water, waste (plants have larger ones because plants need to store large amounts of food)
Tonoplast membrane of the vacuole Crystal give flowers color Plastid gives plants their color Chloroplast – home to photosynthesis
Homework How are plant and animals cells similar and how are they different? Pick three organelles and describe their structure and function.