2 nd Grade Parent Information Night
2 nd Grade Schedule 8:00-8:15Morning Routine/Breakfast 8:15-9:15 ELA Word work Word wall Writing 9:15-9:45Reading 9:45-9:50Restroom Break 9:50-10:05Reading/Guided reading 10:05-11:05 Enrichment: small group; guided reading groups/Daily 5 11:05-11:30Math 11:30-12:00Lunch 12:00-12:30Recess/Restroom Break 12:30-1:10Math 1:10-2:00Specials 2:00-2:25Math 2:25-3:20 Science/Social Studies integrated with Reading as needed 3:20Dismissal
Curriculum Overview What will your students be learning in 2 nd grade?
Reading Communicating Ideas and Messages Readers Respond to the Author’s Purpose Literary Work Informational Text Research Media Method Genres
Writing Writing Process Generate ideas Sequence and organize ideas Sequence sentences in one paragraph Revise and edit Publish and sharing writing Types of Writing Personal Narratives Imaginative Narratives Letter Writing Informative Writing
Word Study Word Wall Words Five words per week Study for homework Read and spell them Spelling Focus: Word Journeys program Study and practice in school
Math Number relationships Quick retrieval using problem solving Number Sense Number lines Data representations Multi-digit addition and subtraction (concrete, flexible methods, standard methods) Collection of coins Geometry Multiplication and division situations Patterns and relationships Fractions and probability Measurement (Linear) Applying fractions, coins, time, and temperature to real life situations Measurement: area, capacity, and weight/mass Problem Solving
Science Identify what a scientist is and explore what different scientists do. Classify matter by physical properties. Trace the changes in the position of an object. Identify and demonstrate how to use, conserve, and dispose of natural resources. Identify the importance of weather and seasonal information to make good choices in clothing, activities and transportation. Measure, record, and graph weather information in order to identify patterns in data. Explore the processes in the water cycle including evaporation, condensation and precipitation. Observe, describe, and record patterns of objects in the sky. Identify the basic needs of plants and animals. Observe, record and compare how the physical characteristics of plants and animals help them meet their basic needs. Identify factors in the environment that effect growth and behavior such as migration, hibernation and dormancy. We will study ecosystems, food chains and life cycles of insects and other animals.
Social Studies I am a Texan I am an American Where I/others live Remembering heroes/ historical figures Invention and innovation change communities Functions of government Government officials and services Choices and decisions My community is special
Expectation What will be expected of your student in 2 nd grade?
Arrival/Dismissal Arrival: Students will need to go to the cafeteria before 8:00 am. The bell rings at 8:00 am. The tardy bell rings at 8:10 am. Dismissal: Stay in your car, and use your yellow cards to pick up your child. The yellow cards should be in the window so that it is visible for the teacher to see. We will bring your child to you. At 3:35 pm, students not picked up will be escorted to the office for parent pick up.
Homework Math: A homework sheet will be given daily. The homework paper should be returned the next day. The homework will cover what is being taught in class. Reading: your child will read to you each night and fill out a reading log. Once the reading log is completed they will return it to their teacher. Word Work: Word Journeys
Assessments Weekly grades Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI) District Assessments STAR Math
Grading Policy Need to Knows Promotion to the next grade level is contingent on a grade of 70 or above in each of the following areas: reading, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Report Cards and Progress Reports – Only be sent home if your child makes a 73 or below. – Can be checked online Late Work: – If a student fails to turn in his/her assignments, the student will lose 10 points each day the work is late. Grading and Absences – Make-up assignments or tests will be made available to students after an absence. – The student is responsible for obtaining and completing the make-up assignments in a satisfactory manner within the allotted amount of time. Generally one day is allowed for make-up for each day of absence. – Students shall make up assignments and tests after absences. Students shall receive a zero for any assignment or test not made up within the allotted time. – “A student shall receive a grade no greater than 70 for work made up following an unexcused absence.”
Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) Independent Level Goals – Beginning of Year (September) Level 16/18 Fluency 60 wcpm – Middle of Year (January) Level 24 Fluency 74 wcpm – End of Year (May) Level 28/30 Fluency 90 wcpm Instruction Level Goals – This is the level of books we will be working with your student on to help further develop their reading level.
Attendance Policy Absences – Parents must call in before 10:00 a.m. on the day of the absence AND provide a note within 4 days of the absence or it will be unexcused. Tardies – Your child is tardy if he/she is not in class by 8:10. – Multiple tardies can keep a child from being awarded a Perfect Attendance or Excellent Attendance award at the end of the school year. – Breakfast is from 8:00-8:15
Reminders: Please do not send cupcakes to school for birthdays. You can send goody bags with stickers, pencils etc. No food items. Join PTA Tutoring will begin the first week of October. Take home folders