George W. Bush -43 rd President of the United States. -Elected
George W. Bush -Born: July 7,1946 -Died: Not yet Birthplace: New Haven, Connecticut
George W. Bush - Graduated Yale University in Joined the Texas Air National Guard in Ran his own oil and gas business. - Was a part owner in the Texas Rangers baseball team. - Elected governor of Texas in 1993 and 1998.
George W. Bush Important Event During his Presidency: 1. Terrorist attacks on September 11, Space Shuttle “Columbia” exploded in February Hurricane Katrina damaged the Gulf Coast in August 2005.
George W. Bush 1. Business leader 2. Governor 3. Father was 41 st President 4. MBA from Harvard
George W. Bush Foreign Policy: Operation Iraqi Freedom a. Cause: Concerns over Iraq’s potential to produce weapons of mass destruction. b. Effect: Saddam Hussein was removed from power and a new government is being developed.
George W. Bush Domestic Policy: Developed Department of Homeland Security. a. Cause: After terror attacks (9/11) there was a fear of terror cells in our country. b. Effect: Stricter border, port and airport security. Patriot Act.