April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. A Survey Of Voter Attitudes Nationwide for the #8633
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Do you feel things in this country are going in the right direction, or do you feel things have gotten off on the wrong track? Q 1
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. What problem are you and your family most concerned about? Q2
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Which party do you think could do a better job of working to solve this problem? Q3
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Please tell me if you have heard of this person, and if so, whether you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of this person. Q 4-8
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President? Q9
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Whether you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President, what is your impression of George W. Bush as a person? Q11
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Democrats in Congress are handling their jobs? Q12
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are handling their jobs? Q13
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Do you approve or disapprove of the way your Member of Congress is handling his/her job? Q14
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. If the election for Congress were held today, and you had to make a choice, would you be voting for the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate? Q15
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Do you think of George W. Bush as a typical Republican or do you think of him as a different brand of Republican? Q16
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Do you think of Bill Clinton as a typical Democrat or do you think of him as a different brand of Democrat?
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Do you think of the Democrat Party/ Republican Party now as the same old party as in the past or is it changing? Q17
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Ideology
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. What overall grade would you give to George W. Bush for the job that he has done as President during his first one hundred days in office? Q22
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Would you say that George W. Bush has done better or worse than you thought he would do during his first 100 days? Q23
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. When you think about President George W. Bush’s first 100 days in office, which of the following emotions best describes how you feel? Q24
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Please give a grade for the work George W. Bush has done on this issue during his first 100 days in office. Q25 Foreign Affairs
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Q26 National Defense Please give a grade for the work George W. Bush has done on this issue during his first 100 days in office.
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Q27 Breaking Gridlock Please give a grade for the work George W. Bush has done on this issue during his first 100 days in office.
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Q28 Deficit Reduction Please give a grade for the work George W. Bush has done on this issue during his first 100 days in office.
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Q29 Taxes Please give a grade for the work George W. Bush has done on this issue during his first 100 days in office.
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Q30 Education Please give a grade for the work George W. Bush has done on this issue during his first 100 days in office.
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Q31 Environment Please give a grade for the work George W. Bush has done on this issue during his first 100 days in office.
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Q32 Health Care Please give a grade for the work George W. Bush has done on this issue during his first 100 days in office.
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Q33 Economy Please give a grade for the work George W. Bush has done on this issue during his first 100 days in office.
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Q34 Campaign Reform Please give a grade for the work George W. Bush has done on this issue during his first 100 days in office.
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. FIRST TERM GRADES CLINTON 1993BUSH 2001 Grade A + BGradeA + B +/- Overall GradeB-46%B56% 10 Foreign AffairsC38%B54% +16 National DefenseC+36%B54% +18 Breaking GridlockC25%C+33% +8 Deficit ReductionC-25%C+35% +10 TaxesD+22%B-46% +24 EducationC+36%B-46% +10 EnvironmentC+39%C32% -7 Health CareB-43%C30% -13 EconomyC28%B-42% +14 Campaign ReformC-23%C29% +6
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with this particular statement about George W. Bush. Q35-38
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Please tell me whether you have more confidence in George W. Bush or the Democrats in Congress to deal with this issue. Q39A-51A
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Please tell me whether you have more confidence in George W. Bush or the Democrats in Congress to deal with this issue. Q39A-51A
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Please tell me whether you have more confidence in George W. Bush or the Democrats in Congress to deal with this issue. Q39A-51A
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Movement Of Confidence In President vs. Opposing Party In Congress On Issue Handling From April 1993 To April GOP2001 GOPGOP BCGOPDEMGWBDEFICITDEFICITGAIN Improving Education67%23%37%49% Cutting government waste51%29%29%51% Improving the HC system72%19%49%38% Fighting crime & drugs49%31%31%47% Keeping Amer. prosperous49%38%35%49% Reducing the deficit54%31%42% 44% Protecting the middle class 54%33%47% 40% Holding the line on taxes28%60%34%54%
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Please tell me whether you have more confidence in the Republican Party or the Democratic Party to deal with this issue. Q39B-51B
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Q39B-51B Please tell me whether you have more confidence in the Republican Party or the Democratic Party to deal with this issue.
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Q39B-51B Please tell me whether you have more confidence in the Republican Party or the Democratic Party to deal with this issue.
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. Movement Of Confidence In Party Issue Handling From April 1993 to April 2001 DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS1993 GOP2001 GOPGOP DEFICIT DEFICITGAIN Improving the HC system66%46%19%30% Improving Education54%39%28%42% Cutting government waste45%30%29%41% Fighting crime & drugs41%29%33%42% Protecting the middle class 54%49%33%38% Reducing the deficit49%42%34%37% Keeping Amer. prosperous44%38%40%39% Holding the line on taxes30%36%52%45%
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. How worried are you that each of these would happen over the next few years? Q52A-57A
April 22-24, 2001 / N=1,000 Registered Voters / ±3.1% M.O.E. How prepared are you if each of these were to happen over the next few years? Q52B-57B