Enrich 21 st Century Skills Career Challenge
Curriculum Objectives 1)Identify interests & enthusiasms 2) Determine employability 3) Explore personal qualities & personality traits 4) Select a few career options 5) Consider what courses and activities needed to pursue career options 6) Explore career options through shadowing
Career Challenge Program Components USA TODAY Newspapers Career Challenge Workbooks education.usastoday.com
Value of USA TODAY Exclusive features & investigative reports Clear & concise style High-interest Color photos Students will: Reflect on their own strengths and interests Learn of the successes and failures of today’s businesspeople Understand career/job trends Become aware of the globalized economy Explore business news/stock market Career Challenge: For Students:
The Career Challenge Program
The Power of “Written” Goals Harvard Study MBA graduating class interviews determined that: Beliefs vs. action 70% believed goals were important to success. 10% had goals. 3% had a “written” plan to achieve goals. Source: Dr. David McCellan, Harvard Business School Results 30 years later, in 1983, the 3% that had “written” plans to achieve goals had more income and net worth than the other 97% combined. 2 years later, in 1985, MIT found that the 3% with a “written” plan had four times the net worth of the other 97% combined.
Addresses Career Standards Apply knowledge of personal interests, abilities, values Develop knowledge of relationship between educational attainment to career opportunities Understand the relationship between work and learning Develop skills to locate and use sources of career information Understand the process of career planning
Encourages sustained reading and higher-order thinking Weekly cross curricular activity. Content-specific student graphic organizer Features of Inside USA TODAY
News resources Lesson Plan archives Special interest Lessons by core subject Career education Event features Case Studies Project-based learning
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