Operational Marketing of EIPs 01/04/ Faro Dr Alfredo Valentino Luiss Guido Carli, Rome Adj Prof. Cà Foscari, Venice
2 Operational Marketing of EIPs “… a community of manufacturing and service firms located together in a common property. Member businesses seek enhanced environmental, economic and social performance through collaboration in managing environmental and resource issues. By working together, the community of businesses seeks a collective benefit that is greater than the sum of individual benefits each company would realize by only optimizing its individual performance” (Lowe, 1995). A complex territorial product, and part of place genetic heritage. Eco-Industrial Park
3 Operational Marketing of EIPs Product EiP product is composed by 3+1 main elements Infrustructures Common Services Specific goals The set of involved firms
4 Operational Marketing of EIPs From contents to benefits (1/2) Infrastructures, common services, and specific goals generate benefits to involved and target firms Reducing energy/water consumption, garbage disposal costs, bureaucratic costs/time; Achieving value added services and tax break, benefits, and incentives; Improving firm perceived image; Being part of a “Community” (scale economy and social capital).
5 Operational Marketing of EIPs From contents to benefits (2/2) The fourth cross element (the attributes of involved firms) generate benefits in terms of Knowledge and competence transfer; Agglomeration economies; Partner in innovative and environmental projects; Access to waste internal market and garbage disposal
6 Operational Marketing of EIPs Attributes of benefits RELEVANT PERCEIVABLE
7 Operational Marketing of EIPs Price = Entry Price Settlement costs in EIP are about 20-25% higher thant in other industrial parks To reduce these costs in firms perception, EIP marketing plan could take into acount three main mechanism: Tax breaks and/or financial benefits Less environmental obligations Availability of common environmental infrastructures and services
8 Operational Marketing of EIPs Promotion
9 Operational Marketing of EIPs Communication tools One to many One to one