DF-200: Sandia Decontamination Formulation for Neutralization of CBW Agents and Toxic Industrial Chemicals Mark D. Tucker (505) Sandia National Laboratories
Presentation Outline Background Performance Characteristics of DF-200 –Decontamination of Chemical Warfare Agents –Decontamination of Toxic Industrial Chemicals –Decontamination of Biological Warfare Agents and Pathogens Commercialization Other Decontamination Activities Summary
Response to a Domestic CBW Incident Event Timeline CBW Event First Response Facility Restoration Re-Occupy Facility Detection Decontamination / Restoration Fate and Transport Modeling Risk Assessment Mitigation
The Objective To develop a rapid, effective, and safe decontamination technology for the restoration of civilian facilities in the event of a domestic terrorist attack The Challenges Rapid Deployment Rapid Destruction of CBW Agents Common Formulation for all CBW Agents Low toxicity and corrosivity Sandia Decon Foam Development Overview The Problem Historical decon formulations for CBW agents are highly toxic and/or highly corrosive Our Response Sandia has developed an aqueous formulation with low toxicity and corrosivity properties for the rapid destruction of CBW agents
Corrosion Comparisons Bleach - 24 Hour Exposure Sandia Decon Foam - 24 Hour Exposure Deionized Water - 24 Hour Exposure Steel Coupons
DF-200 Formulation Characteristics Rapid response –quick to deploy –quick to react Low logistics support and water demand and minimal run-off of fluids Minimal health and collateral damage –low toxicity and corrosivity properties Applicable in a variety of scenarios –work has mostly focused on deployment as a foam –formulation can also be deployed as a spray, fog, mist, or cream Successful results in a number of laboratory and field tests –RestOps, JSFDS, Dugway Spore Kill Tests Successfully used in actual remediation of anthrax contaminated buildings
Sandia Decon Formulation Deployment
Presentation Outline Background Performance Characteristics of DF-200 –Decontamination of Chemical Warfare Agents –Decontamination of Toxic Industrial Chemicals –Decontamination of Biological Warfare Agents and Pathogens Commercialization Other Decontamination Activities Summary
Complete destruction of GD within 1 minute Complete destruction of VX within 10 minutes Complete destruction of HD within 30 minutes DF-200 Performance Neutralization of CW Agents
DF-200 Performance Results against TICs Solution Testing: Malathion, Sodium Cyanide, Butyl Isocyanate, Carbon Disulfide Headspace Testing: Hydrogen Cyanide, Phosgene
DF-200 Performance Kill of BW Agents in DF-200 Kill of anthrax spores by DF-200 Kill of the plague bacterium by DF-200
Kill of Anthrax Simulant Scanning Electron Microscopy As received DF-100 Contact Time: 1 Hour Destruction of bacterial spores in DF-100
B. globigii Spore Kill - Room Test DF-100 Performance at Dugway Field Tests Test Parameters 8’ x 8’ x 8’ office Bacillus globigii spores contaminated with a simulated explosion spores ‘weathered’ for 24 hours and then sampled room temperature = 41°F Sandia formulation deployed as a foam –Intelagard backpack device –approximately 17liters applied (0.4 L/m 2 ) sampling occurred 24 hours after decon
B. globigii Spore Kill - Room Test Results of Dugway Field Tests using DF-100
Summary of Anthrax Incidents Sandia Foam Use (DF-100) Capitol Hill Office Buildings –Sandia formulation (foam) successfully used in selected areas of Hart, Ford, and Dirksen office buildings ABC Building (New York) –Sandia formulation (fog) successfully used New York Post Building –Sandia formulation (fog) successfully used AMI Building (Florida) –Sandia formulation (liquid bath) successfully used to decontaminate electronic media
DF-200 Performance Summary of Decon Effectiveness Application Rate: 0.5 L of DF-200 Liquid per square meter of contaminated surface Challenge Level (CW): 10 g of agent per square meter Challenge Level (BW): 10 7 organisms per square centimeter
Presentation Outline Background Performance Characteristics of DF-200 –Decontamination of Chemical Warfare Agents –Decontamination of Toxic Industrial Chemicals –Decontamination of Biological Warfare Agents and Pathogens Commercialization Other Decontamination Activities Summary
Commercial Partners Modec, Inc Oakland Street Denver, Colorado Toll-free: (800) Phone: (303) Fax: (303) EnviroFoam Technologies, Inc Wall Triana Hwy Huntsville, Alabama Toll-free: (800) Phone: (256) Fax: (256)
Envirofoam EasyCAFs TM System DF-200: Foam Deployment Hand-held Aspirating Air Foam Generator Intelagard CAF Backpack The foam can be deployed through a variety of delivery systems - both large- scale and small-scale
As a result of the October 2001 anthrax incidents, the EPA is now clearly identified as the lead agency for remediation The EPA has determined that all products used for anthrax remediation must be registered as sterilants EPA Registration DF-200 Status Sterilant registration requires completion of AOAC sporicidal tests against Bacillus and Clostridium spores on two different carriers (porcelain cylinder and suture loop) Both Envirofoam Technologies and Modec have submitted their products to EPA-approved laboratories for testing One company has passed the sporicidal tests while the other company’s tests are still in progress
Sandia Decon Formulation (DF-200) Military Use The US Military has recently purchased relatively large quantities of DF-200 for possible use in the War Against Terrorism
Presentation Outline Background Performance Characteristics of DF-200 –Decontamination of Chemical Warfare Agents –Decontamination of Toxic Industrial Chemicals –Decontamination of Biological Warfare Agents and Pathogens Commercialization Other Decontamination Activities Summary
Other Decontamination Work Expanded Uses for the DF-200 Technology DF-200 Formulation (Fog / Mist / Spray Applications) Personnel Decon (With Licensees) Restoration DDAP (With LLNL) Containment / Mitigation DF-200 CBW/TIC Decontamination
Presentation Outline Background Performance Characteristics of DF-200 –Decontamination of Chemical Warfare Agents –Decontamination of Toxic Industrial Chemicals –Decontamination of Biological Warfare Agents and Pathogens Commercialization Other Decontamination Activities Summary
DF-100 was successfully used in response to October 2001 anthrax incidents DF-200 has been recently purchased by the U.S. Military under an urgent need order for possible use in the War Against Terrorism DF-200 is applicable for response to CBW/TIC attacks in domestic scenarios Many opportunities exist to utilize the fundamental DF-200 chemistry for new applications DF-200 Technology Summary DF-200 Foam Demonstration for President George W. Bush; July 22, 2002 Contact Information Mark D. Tucker