ICS 131: Social Analysis of Computerization Lecture 16: , IM & Blogging
Announcements Student survey in last fifteen minutes of class. Papers due today, after the survey.
Key Idea The channel of communication has a significant impact on the content that is conveyed. By opening up new channels of communication, computational systems affect the content that is conveyed.
Communication Media Language spoken face-to-face Text written on paper Telephone Web page Blog IM
Language spoken face-to-face Single- or multi-channel? Immediate? Archived? Emotional? Personal? Subtle?
Text written on paper Single- or multi-channel? Immediate? Archived? Emotional? Personal? Subtle?
Telephone Single- or multi-channel? Immediate? Archived? Emotional? Personal? Subtle?
Text Message Single- or multi-channel? Immediate? Archived? Emotional? Personal? Subtle?
Web page Single- or multi-channel? Immediate? Archived? Emotional? Personal? Subtle?
Single- or multi-channel? Immediate? Archived? Emotional? Personal? Subtle?
Blog Single- or multi-channel? Immediate? Archived? Emotional? Personal? Subtle?
MySpace page Single- or multi-channel? Immediate? Archived? Emotional? Personal? Subtle?
IM Single- or multi-channel? Immediate? Archived? Emotional? Personal? Subtle?
Other media Single- or multi-channel? Immediate? Archived? Emotional? Personal? Subtle?
Marshall McLuhan "The medium is the message" because it is the "medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action." (Understanding Media, 1964, p. 9)
How do you decide which channel to choose? What are the important factors to students? What are the important factors to other groups of people?
Behaviors Is the choice of medium defined by the attributes of the medium, by social norms, by both, or by some other factor?
CCing and BCCing Derived from the practice of making a “Carbon Copy” - putting a sheet of carbon paper into a typewriter between two sheets of paper. Why CC someone? Why BCC someone?
Instant Messaging How often do you instant message? How many buddies?
Emoticons Benefits? Drawbacks?
Abbreviations lol imo, imho bfn l8r Others?
Permanence Benefits? Drawbacks?
NY Times Interns? No Bloggers Need Apply - 5/25/06, Anna Bahney
Topic for Discussion Today’s reading on blogs offered five motivations that cause people to blog. For each of these motivations, please describe a feature of how blogs are designed or used that helps make it possible. Motivations: –Document my life –Commentary –Catharsis –Muse –Community Forum
Today’s discussants are... …come on down front!
Next class Gaming
If there’s time: Marvin Minsky One of the founders of Artificial Intelligence “Does anyone have any questions?” About the nature of intelligence or any other topics beyond those we’ve been discussing today.
Survey Suzanne Schaefer