Priority Activities in 2013 Workplan that need funds/ partner support
GNC Workplan: state of play Many activities on the 2013 workplan Some ongoing activities are funded and the GNC-CT will continue with them not for discussion today Also roughly 20 activities that are either not possible for GNC- CT to complete or are not fully funded. For each activity, need to decide if – Priority for 2013 – Priority for 2014 – Drop off the workplan What support can partners provide to accomplish the 2013 priorities
Priorities needing support: 1. Coordination, Advocacy, Policy, Resource Mobilisation 1.1 Develop GNC strategy covering 4 strategic areas and fundraising in Q3-4 (see proposed process) 1.4 a/b/c Follow up up on open letter/statement to SCN, SUN, UNICEF and other interested parties, to highlight needs for NiE technical forum 1.5 Develop mechanism for systematic collation of specific country level issues and needs with appropriate feedback and response (Knowledge Mgt) (NEW) Update SOP based on governance review (New): attend and advocate at proposed SCN and UN partners’ meeting on Nutrition (Aug Nairobi)
Priorities needing support: 2 Standards, Guidelines, Tech Developments 2.1a Dissemination of Nutrition Cluster Handbook 2.1b Translation of the Nutrition Cluster Handbook 2.2a Disseminate new HTP modules 22 & 23 (Gender/ Old People) 2.2b Translate HTP Modules into other languages (FR, AR, ES) 2.3 Following the feedback from four countries, the MAM decision tool is to be revised in Q3 2.4 Define and formalise process/ procedure for revision of Cluster tools: Cluster Handbook, HTP, MAM tool, (Other tools?)
Priorities needing support: 3. Capacity development, HR & operational support 3.1b Provide operation and technical support to newly activated cluster countries as well as existing (GNC-CT doing some, but needs to be supplemented and contribute to knowledge management) New Develop the IMO training package and recruitment of IMOs trainer in Q3
Priorities needing support: 4. Info/ Knowledge Management 4.1a/b Develop and roll out GNC IM strategy, standard bank of indicators and tools for use at country and global level in Q3-4; 4.1c Provide operational/technical support: (on assessments, surveys, IYCF-E, etc) at country level; 4.1.d Develop a minimum framework for an M&E system to pilot in different contexts 4.3 actively capture experience in NiE, cluster coordination, application of tools
Priorities needing support: 4. Info/ Knowledge Management (NEW) Finalise and endorse the GNC Nutrition Info Needs & Analysis framework (NEW) Establish and secure active members of IM Task Force
Group work: How can we achieve priority activities for 2013 (and 2014) 4 groups – one on each strategic area 1 hour 30 minutes Questions: – Which activities are Priorities for 2013 Priorities for 2014 (kick forward) To be dropped completely – Suggest how partners can support with time/ skills or funds to help complete – arrangements needed – Who – Immediate next steps
Strategic Areas (SA) of the GNC Workplan: Strategic Area 1: Coordination, Advocacy, Policy and Resource Mobilisation Strategic Area 2: Standards, Guidelines and Technical Developments Strategic Area 3: Capacity development, HR and Operational Support Strategic Area 4: Information/Knowledge Management