National Reading Campaign: Creating a Culture of Reading by 2015 Wanneh A. Dixon June 2013
Facts & Figures Fact: Illiteracy rate is 70% in Liberia Fact: The average reading rate is 15 words per minute Fact: Studies show if a child is not reading fluently by the 4 th grade, that child will struggle for life to read Fact: There are very few bookstores and libraries in Liberia
Teachers are Crucial to Students’ Success Mission: To improve the quality of teaching and learning in Liberia Goals: Improve reading skills and increase equitable access for Liberian children by 2015 Objective: Improved teacher effectiveness in the classroom especially in reading and math Recent graduates of the Teacher Training Program
Overview The National Reading Campaign is a two year public awareness campaign will make reading a national priority by encouraging reading and increasing access to materials. Improving reading for boys and girls closes the gap in education equity and equality. Education is the key to wealth building for the future.
Goal The campaign will ignite the passion for reading, create lifelong readers and highlight the importance of reading for developing and sustaining Liberia. The objectives and key activities associated with the campaign will create awareness and be the catalyst for weaving literacy into Liberians’ lives.
Key Messages
Objectives Increase access to reading materials Provide reading materials that are culturally relevant Promote and provide access to Liberian-authored materials Leverage traditional storytelling to encourage families to read together Promote a culture of reading and writing to improve these skills Reading Room in Grand Bassa County
Knowledge Desire Skills Optimism Reinforcement Stimulation Facilitation Cycle of Behavior Change I know I should read I want to read I can read It's worthwhile to read It's easy to read I'm joining in to read I will keep reading