Beta vulgaris Beets Chenopodiaceae Vegetable 00/ beets.htm.


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Presentation transcript:

Beta vulgaris Beets Chenopodiaceae Vegetable 00/ beets.htm

Begonia x tuberhybrida Tuberous Begonia Begoniaceae Garden Flower gonia.htm

Begonia semperflorens-cultorum Wax Begonia Begoniaceae Garden Flower edu/FLORA/fa02/ fa02086.jpg

Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera Brussels Sprouts Brassicaceae Vegetable brussels.htm

Darlingtonia californica California Pitcher Plant Sarraceniaceae Garden Flower rnivorous%20Plants/Darlintoniama in.htm

Camellia japonica Camellia Theaceae Trees and Shrubs com/plants/floridata/ ref/c/cam_jap.htm

Celosia cristata Celosia Amaranthaceae Garden Flower rden/celosia.html

*Stellaria media Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Weed edu/FLORA/LCP/ LCP17.JPG

Schlumbergera bridgesii Christmas Cactus Cactaceae Interior edu/FLORA/hdwimages2/hdwt2- 48.jpg

Primula veris Cowslip Primulaceae Garden Flower P/ m

Vaccinium macrocarpon Cranberry Ericaceae Small Fruit edu/newcrop/Crops/cranberry

Cucumis sativus Cucumber Cucurbitaceae Vegetable 00/ cucumber.htm

Gomphrena globosa Globe Amaranth Amaranthaceae Garden Flower edu/FLORA/beverly/bt0082.gif

*Armoracia rusticana Horseradish Brassicaceae Vegetable hort220/Kinds_and_Types_III/Yet _More_Cruciferae.html

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Ice Plant Aizoaceae Garden Flower div/PLANTS2/Aizoaceae/Mesembr yanthemum_crystallinum.htm

* Opuntia humifusa Eastern Prickly Pear Cactaceae Wildflower NIVERSITY_PUBLICATIONS/T OUR/7.gif

*Chenopodium album Lambs’ Quarters Chenopodiaceae Weed prot/ weedguid/lambsqua. htm

Rhododendron indicum Macranthum Azalea Ericaceae Trees and Shrubs 69.html

Lunaria annua Money or Honesty Plant Brassicaceae Garden Flower a/LuAn/LuAn.html

Cucumis melo var. Reticulatus Muskmelon Cucurbitaceae Fruit plant/agidaid/page53.htm

*Abelmoschus esculentus Okra Malvaceae Vegetable hort220/Kinds_and_Types_II/Malv aceae_Family. html

Viola x wittrockiana Pansy Violaceae Garden Flower nnials/annuals/bandypansy.html

*Amaranthus retroflexus Redroot or Pigweed Amaranthaceae Weed gopher:// age/.bot

Rheum rhaponticum Rhubarb Polygonaceae Vegetable edu/depts/addl/toxic/ plant09.htm

Hibiscus syriacus Rose of Sharon Malvaceae Trees and Shrubs nd/h/hibsyr/hibsyr1.html

*Calluna vulgaris Scotch Heather Ericaceae Garden Perennial ara_Fleur.html

Spinacia oleracea Spinach Chenopodiaceae Vegetable 00/ spinach.htm

Claytonia virginica Spring Beauty Portulacaceae Wild Flower ~jdye/spring.html

Hypericum calycinum St. John’s Wort Clusiaceae Trees and Shrubs gopher:// age/.bot

Limonium latifolium Statice or Sea Lavender Plumbaginaceae Garden/Fresh Flower

Matthiola incana Stocks Brassicaceae Garden/Fresh Flower ~doreen/page3/page31.htm

Lobularia maritima Sweet Alyssum Brassicaceae Garden Flower 00/ sweet.htm

Dianthus barbatus Sweet William Caryophyllaceae Garden Flower bartn.html

Camellia sinensis Tea Theaceae Herb pflanz.htm

Epigaea repens Trailing Arbutus Ericaceae Wild Flower htm

Salix babylonica Weeping Willow Salicaceae Trees and Shrubs com/arboles/Salixbabylonica.htm

* Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa Yellow Passion Fruit Passifloraceae Fruit wers/passifloraedulis.html

Cucurbita pepo Zucchini and Squash Cucurbitaceae Vegetable b_online/d50/cucurbi.htm