Welcome to TARGET 3 rd – 5 th Grades 3 rd – 5 th Grades Mary Jo Groeneveld Ashley Dorsey Anna Dickinson
Learning Characteristics of Children Is interested Is interested Has good ideas Has good ideas Learns with ease Learns with ease 6-8 repetitions for mastery 6-8 repetitions for mastery Good memorizer Good memorizer Answers the questions asked by teacher Answers the questions asked by teacher Enjoys straightforward presentation Enjoys straightforward presentation Is pleased with his/her learning Is pleased with his/her learning THE BRIGHT CHILD THE BRIGHT CHILD Is highly curious Is highly curious Has wild, silly ideas Has wild, silly ideas Already knows Already knows 1-2 repetitions for mastery 1-2 repetitions for mastery Good guesser Good guesser Discusses in detail, elaborates Discusses in detail, elaborates Thrives on complexity of issues Thrives on complexity of issues Is highly self-critical Is highly self-critical THE GIFTED CHILD
Fixed Mindset …think that “they are the way they are” and will often avoid challenges and stick to what they know they can do well
Growth Mindset …believe that intelligence can be developed, that the brain is like a muscle that can be trained. This leads to the desire to improve.
Our Target Program CCGPS + ALP standards = Target
Gifted Standards ( the “what” we are teaching/assessing) Gifted Standards ( the “what” we are teaching/assessing) Cognitive Growth Strand Critical Thinking Convergent Thinking Algebraic Thinking Divergent Thinking Evaluative Thinking Relationships and Connections Affective Growth Strand Communication Collaboration Self-Reflection Respect for Others Self-Directed Learner
Cognitive Growth Strand Critical Thinking Students will utilize higher order reasoning and reflect upon their thinking Convergent Thinking Students will reason logically using induction, deduction, and abduction. Divergent Thinking Students will think creatively to generate innovative ideas, products, or solutions to problems
Cognitive Growth Strand Evaluative Thinking Students will evaluate and solve a variety of authentic problems. Relationships and Connections Students will make relationship and connections among various topics and disciplines.
Affective Growth Strand Self-Reflection Students will reflect upon their innate and developed abilities. Respect for Others Students will respectful members of their communities. Self-Directed Learner Students will be self-directed learners. Communication Students will interact and exchange ideas, feelings, information, thoughts, and knowledge with others. Collaboration Students will work toward a common goal with shared accountability for the final outcome.
Typical Target Day Typical Target Day Cognitive Growth Activities Problem Solving Problem Solving Hands On Equations Hands On Equations Creative Thinking Creative Thinking Brainstorming Brainstorming Affective Growth Activities Goal setting Goal setting Collaboration with other students Collaboration with other students Learning Styles Learning Styles Communication with others Communication with others Self-Reflection Self-Reflection Inquiry Inquiry Research Research Connections Connections Debate Debate
Spring Unit:
Target Student Expectations Has necessary materials Has necessary materials Has completed assignments Has completed assignments Returns signed papers (Tally) in a timely manner Returns signed papers (Tally) in a timely manner Is prepared to work when class begins Is prepared to work when class begins Demonstrates independent learning Demonstrates independent learning
Communication Communication Target Tallies Target Tallies Progress Progress reports reports
Prevailing Practices Gifted students should not be expected to make up missed regular classroom work or homework on scheduled Target day Gifted students should not be expected to make up missed regular classroom work or homework on scheduled Target day Target homework permitted on Target day Target homework permitted on Target day
Q & A