LEV VYGOTSKY ( ) By: Jessica Abram, Sarah Baker & Jodi Helkie
Biography A Russian psychologist Received a law degree from Moscow University He was an active scholar when Piaget was forming his theory He passed away before his work was complete, at the age of 38
Sociocultural Theory Children acquire their culture’s values, beliefs, and problem-solving strategies through collaborative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society Cognitive skills evolve from social interactions with teacher, parents, and other competent associates. He viewed cognitive growth as a socially mediated activity
Learning Children learn first through social interactions Learning gradually becomes under the child’s control Cognitive development varies across cultures depending on their specific experiences
Zone of Proximal Development Tasks are too complex and can only be accomplished with guidance and encouragement from a more skillful partner Scaffolding
Related to Sara Porter Children learn first through social interactions Learning gradually becomes under the child’s control Cognitive development varies across cultures depending on their specific experiences Socially mediated activity Zone of proximal development
Bibliography Shaffer, David, Eileen Wood and Teena Willoughby. Developmental Psychology Childhood and Adolescence. 2 nd ed. Canada: Thomson/Nelson,