Month March 2011
Its different, its interesting and its fun Its about learning and succeeding It helps them to think and reflect about really important ideas and events
It helps them to communicate and express their ideas in all sort of ways It gives them a chance to share opinions, change opinions and challenge each others opinions It encourages them to become active and responsible young people
It enables the development of the whole child – and teachers believe in that RE brings depth and breadth into the curriculum – difficult concepts and a wide range of issues Pupils like RE and get increasingly good results
It provides excellent links across the curriculum to enable learning It is an essential part of young peoples educational experience
RE develops understanding of beliefs, religions and cultures It provides direct links with families and faith communities
SACRE members represent different faith communities and help teachers and pupils celebrate RE
Celebrating RE brings members of faith communities into the classroom
It encourages informed understanding of socio-political issues It helps develop social and moral awareness