Classroom Meetings Lucia Crosley Counseling 511 Spring Report Prepared: February, 12, 2008 Classroom Meetings
Table of Contents files for luci\DSCF3251.AVI I. Introduction-Discuss Topic(Overview)- II - Findings on Top Five Sites Site 1: Conflict Resolution Education Connections Site 2: Discipline Without Stress Site 3: Twenty Kinds of Classroom Meetings Site 4: Responsive Classroom Site 5: Quality in Education: Classroom meetings facilitated by studentsSite 5: Quality in Education: Classroom meetings facilitated by students III. Action Recommendations- IV Closing Remarks V. Additional Resources
Introduction Twenty reviewed sites Analysis of top five Audience: Teachers, Parents, Counselors and Administrators Ease of Use Material Usefulness Overall Rating
Findings Site 1: Conflict Resolution Education Connections Site 2: Discipline Without Stress Site 3: Twenty Kinds of Classroom MeetingsSite 3: Twenty Kinds of Classroom Meetings Site 4: Responsive Classroom Site 5: Quality in Education: Classroom meetings facilitated by studentsSite 5: Quality in Education: Classroom meetings facilitated by students
Conflict Resolution Education Connections Punishment and discipline Examples of classroom meetings, middle school and high school Classroom management philosophy & strategies Relationship-driven classroom management Suggestions for handling surface behavior Redirecting negative behavior
Conflict Resolution Education Connections continued… Teaching principles of a responsive classroom. Punishment versus discipline presence-teaching with an open heart Seven Punishment and Discipline. Soft VS. firm limits R.O.P.E.S presentation outline Conflict Resolution School Discipline
Author Dr. Marvin Marshall Discipline without Stress: Punishment or Reward. How Parents and Teachers Can Promote Responsibility and Learning. Chapter on Classroom Meetings that you can open from this site Effectiveness of classroom meetings
Discipline Without Stress continued… Classroom meetings help to promote responsibility Promote social skills parallel to the core curriculum. Development of empathy Modeling civility
Discipline Without Stress continued… Purpose and objectives of meetings How to plan meetings Creating the physical environment Maps out meeting agendas
Twenty Kinds of Classroom Meetings Good News Meeting Appreciation Time Compliment Time Goal Setting (e.g. for day, week, unit) Rule Setting (e.g. for lunch, trip)
Twenty Kinds of Classroom Meetings continued… Feedback and Evaluation Stage Setting (small group activity) Reflections on Learning Student Presentation Problem Solving (group, individual)
The Responsive Classroom Created by classroom teachers Backed by evidence from independent research Based on the premise that children learn best when they have both academic and social- emotional skills. Classroom and school wide Academic and social-emotional competencies
Seven Principles of a Responsive Classroom The social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum. How children learn is as important as what they learn The greatest cognitive growth occurs through social interaction.
The Seven Principles of the Responsive Classroom Continued… Cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy, and self-control Knowing the children Know the families How adults work together is as importance as their individual talents
Student facilitated meetings Basic overview of meetings Getting students involved Building a climate of trust and respect Responsibility for self-ultimate goal Student contribution=attachment
Student facilitated meetings continued… Learning is promoted by respect for student beliefs Teacher has “Veto” power-use sparingly Students should be maximally involved in decision making process
Action Recommendations Conflict Resolution Education Connections Links to meetings Strategies for implementation Professional Development Online module that explores various types and purposes for specific meetings Video links to meetings for PD
Discipline Without Stress Create a PowerPoint for PD Refer to chapters in book for how to deal with particular issues in meetings Use meetings to control classroom climate and discipline issues
Twenty Kinds of Classroom Meetings Refer to this when “getting started” A “How to guide”
The Responsive Classroom Get the entire community involved Share resources with teachers, parents, home and school association Utilize during a PD in the summertime Begin in September
Classroom Meetings Facilitated by Students Start in September to create a Student Based Classroom Discuss at back to school night to get parents involved
Closing Remarks Audio Closing Remarks..\aduioout2.wav..\aduioout2.wav Thank you for viewing my PowerPoint presentation
Additional Resources My Internet Address book will link you to the 20 websites I reviewed for this report. Click on InternetAddressBook.xls under Counseling 511 Assignments