1.IPA SA partner in FP6 Projects Romanian Research and Innovation Days Contract INCO-CT Launching a Visionary Quest for the intelligent School of Tomorrow, on the basis of Relevant State-of-the-art scientific an Technological Achievements, QPLAN Greece, SAS6-CT , FP6, Increasing of competitivitness of Transnational Technology Transfer and Innovation in Romania by creating an Innovation Relay Center, FP (IRC6) Regional approach towards FP6. Network of contact points in large Accession Candidate Countries and Member States, INCO-CT , Concepts to Reduce Environment Impact and Attain Optimal Transport Performance by Inland Navigation, CREATING 2. Title of the project: NEW ECO-EFICIENT INDUSTRIAL PROCESS USING MICROSTRUCTURED UNIT COMPONENTS – SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY PRODUCTION OF SENSITIVE COMPOUNDS ENSURED BY PROCESS INTENSIFICATION – NEPUMUC 3. Project Summary: The overall goal of the NEPUMUC project is to make the benefits of microreaction technology available for industrial purposes, in particular nitration chemistry.Therefore, the project partners will jointly develop, test and evaluate a new microreaction process as a prototype to demonstrate that even under industrial requirements microreaction technology can be made available in a flexible and multi-purpose manner. The project will address these different technical challenges by new and highly innovative methods and technologies. For the first time, simulation and modelling tools will be consequently applied for the design of both the entire nitration process and its core component, the microfluidic reaction unit. This will be a totally new approach to overcome the problems of achieving sufficient throughput although microfluidic structures are used. To enable a robust, stable and safe processing under high industrial requirements, new microfluidic sensors will be developed and adapted to the microreaction units. These sensors will allow an accurate process monitoring and process control in the immediate vicinity of the most important part of the process: the microreactor. For the first time, microfluidic sensors will become an integral part of an industrial microreaction process. Finally, the development of an appropriate automation system that interacts accurately with both microfluidic sensors and macroscopic actuators (pumps, heating/cooling devices) will make microreaction technology processable like conventional chemical processes. 4. Partners: CO 1 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. - Germany CR 2 EMS Dottikon - Switzerland CR 3 SC IPA SA - Romania CR 4 Mikroglas Chemtech GmbH - Germany CR 5 Plinke GmbH - Germany CR 6 Process-Design-Center - The Netherlands CR 7 SNPE Materiaux Energetiques - France CR 8 Wroclaw University of Technology - Poland IPAs Contribution to the project: IPA will develop a flexible automation system, its interaction with sensors and actuators and its integration into the overall microreaction plant. The flexibility of the system will be realized by the designed hardware and, mainly, by the developed software. The system will be designed to support aditional I/O signals and control algorithms if the future development of the reactor will request it.