Click on My Page to log in. Completing your personal details
Log in using a unique username and password (these will be given to you)
Once logged in a summary page will appear
You should click on My Account to change your password.
You may want to change your password. You will need to click edit to change this.
Click on My Profile to work on the application form.
Click on each box in My Profile to input personal information – this makes up the application form
The first page is a record of personal information for example, address and contact details. Once you have completed the personal details, please click on health issues
Please complete this page if you have any health issues, including any additional information.
The next page is where all qualifications are to be recorded. Please note: Each course you are currently studying should be entered separately.
Click on work history to add details of work experience and work history. Click add to create an entry on work history.
References should be added at this point. Two references are preferred. One reference should be given from the school and another from work experience/ club etc.
The Personal Statement is the most important part to complete. It gives you the opportunity to sell yourself to a prospective college/training provider. Interests & hobbies, favourite subjects and career aspirations can be put in. Please see examples provided in the Area Prospectus pack.
From the main page click on 16 – 19 Search to look for a suitable course Making an application
Enter a keyword such as Mechanic or search for provider/ college A list will appear. Select your choice by double clicking to open up more information
In depth information on the course will be shown.
Click the provider tab if you know you would like to attend a particular provider/ college Either enter name of the provider or click on the letter to bring up all providers starting with that letter. Please note: Before adding a bookmark to the course of interest you will need to log into the system.
For any courses you are interested in you will need to click on add bookmark to be able to apply for the course.
If you click on the: My bookmark tab on the right it will provide a list your bookmarked courses.
Please remember courses that you are interested in must be bookmarked before making an application This page will show you all the courses you have bookmarked
Click either make application or add more opportunities depending on whether you would like to study more than one course at a time eg. A levels. Please click my applications once you have decided which courses you would like to apply.
There are 6 steps to making an application, allowing you to check the info at each stage. Please note: Step two will give you the final chance to check your application form details.
Step Two: Now its time to check all of the information and ensure it is ready to be submitted to a sixth form, college or training provider. Any changes can be made at this stage by clicking the edit button.
In the reasons for applying box is a chance to explain why it is you are interested in the particular course(s).
You must tick the permission statement to process to the next step.
Click send and save to submit the application. Please note as soon as the send and save button is pressed the application is sent to the provider.
Finally, once applications have been made you can review these in My Applications
You can any questions to your Connexions PA from the My messages page Click create message to write the question