How does a garden grow? Andrea Dinndorf November 9, 2010 Cardinal Stritch University
Summary Students will investigate plants. They will study the parts of the plants and what a plant needs to grow. They will plant seeds and observe how a plant grows over time. They will also study the role people play in the destruction and production of plant life.
Stage 1 Standards Strand A- Science Connections A.4.5 When studying a science-related problem, decide what changes over time are occurring or have occurred. Strand F- Life and Environmental F.4.1 Discover how each organism meets its basic needs for water, nutrients, protection and energy in order to survive. F.4.2 Investigate how organisms, especially plants, respond to both internal cues (the need for water) and external cues (changes in environment)
Stage 1 Understandings Students will understand that … Plants and other living things have certain needs in order to survive like water, nutrients, energy and protection. Plants grow and change over time. Plants are different and respond differently to their environments. People use plants and influence their growth or destruction.
Stage 1 Big Questions What do we know about plants and how they grow? Why do some seeds thrive and other never even grow? How are plants different? Why are plants important to our everyday lives?
Stage 1 Knowledge and Skills Key vocabulary related to plant parts: root, stem, leaf and flower. Necessary conditions to grow a seed: air, water, light and nutrients. Ordinary objects that are made from plants. The role people play in the production and destruction of plants. Explain the results of their experiments through writing, drawing, and oral presentations. Draw a plant and label its parts. Take measurements and chart progress as plants grow. Compare and contrast different plants. Identify plant parts on a variety of species.
Stage 2 Performance Task Science Journal (see sample at table) Rubric Also: – Acting out – Drawing – Writing – Oral presentations
Stage 2 other evidence Achievement test (matching and multiple choice)
Stage 2 Self assess Check-in midway through Self-assess and peer review at the end
Stage 3 Main component is the seed experiment. Also: – Plant parts scavenger hunt – Literacy – Music – BrainPop nt/preview.weml nt/preview.weml
Conclusion Engagement of students in their own understanding of how plants grow. Foster a lifelong appreciation for plants and their role in our daily lives. Questions/Comments?