Education System – How it would be?
Type of Systems
Application to Education System Easy Accessibility Openness in Activities and fund management Potential for Growth & Devlopment Intellectual student society emerges
Application to Education System Limited Accessibility Limited Openness in Activities and fund management Limited Potential for Growth & Dev student society emerges
Application to Education System No Accessibility No Openness in Activities and fund management No Potential for Growth & Dev Successful student society without creativity and self confidence emerges
Characteristics of Edn. System Provides equal and open access and educational opportunities for all students. Assumes that all students can learn and recognizes individual differences at all instructional levels; Provides each student an education experience. Provides special education, compensatory education, linguistically and culturally appropriate education and other specialized programs to all students who need those services; Supports the physical and cognitive growth and development of students;
Provides students with a solid foundation in the skills of reading, writing, problem solving and communication; Provides opportunities for students to learn, think, reason and work effectively alone and in groups; Provides for rigorous academic content Provides increased learning time. Provides students an educational background to function successfully in a multicultural nation and world. Characteristics of Edn. System –Contd..
Provides opportunities for students to learn through a variety of teaching strategies; Emphasizes involvement of parents and the community in the total education of students; Transports children safely to and from school; Ensures that the funds allocated to schools reflect the uncontrollable differences in costs facing each district; Ensures that local schools have adequate control of how funds are spent to best meet the needs of students in their communities; Characteristics of Edn. System –Contd..
Working With System (Computer)
13 What makes up a computer? What is Hardware? Anything you can touch Hardware - physical components of a computer system, including any peripheral equipment such as printers, modems, mouse devices. Computer User’s Dictionary
14 Software Software - anything you CAN’T touch. The instructions for the hardware. Software - computer programs; instructions that make hardware work. Two main types of software are system software (operating systems, which control the workings of computer and applications, such as word processors, that perform tasks for the user. Computer User’s Dictionary
15 Central Processing Unit (CPU) CPU - The brains of the computer. CPU - The computational and control unit of a computer. Executes instructions and to transfer information to and from other resources. Computer User’s Dictionary
. INFORMATION PROCESSING CYCLE Information processing cycle is a set of steps the computer follows to receive data, process the data according to instructions from a program, display the resulting information to the user,and store the results. INPUT MEMORY CU A L U OUTPUT
17 The Mouse: Clicking Clicking - term used when one presses down on left mouse button to select. A “click” - press on the left button. A “double click” - is pressing twice on the left mouse button A “right click” - is pressing once on the right mouse button.
18 Moving the mouse Without Clicking! Step 1 - Move the mouse so that the arrow on the screen is on the bottom left hand side of the screen. Step 2 - Move the arrow to the top right of the screen. Step 3 - Get used to the feel of the mouse, and try to put the arrow on objects.
19 Modulator Demodulator (Modem) Modem - device that allows one to connect a computer to the Internet either by phone line or by cable. The modem acts like a translator that for the digital computer. Modem - a communications device that enables a computer to transmit information over a standard telephone or cable line. Computer User’s Dictionary The Modem is usually built into your computer, you don’t see it. A digital system is one that uses numbers, especially binary numbers, for input, processing, transmission, storage, or display, rather than a continuous spectrum of values (an analog system) or non-numeric symbols such as letters or icons.
Numeric keysFunction keys Space barArrow keys Shift key Caps lock Escape Control key ENTER KEY TAB KEY ALT (Alternate) key Backspace ALPHABET KEYS Shortcut key Windows key
Most Useful Shortcut Keys
Operating System Types
Browser Types
Storage Media Types
Generation Gaps in Communication
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