26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA National Programme for Research and Innovation New Materials, Micro and.


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Presentation transcript:

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA National Programme for Research and Innovation New Materials, Micro and Nanotechnologies - MATNANTECH Corneliu TRISCA-RUSU University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Faculty of Industrial Chemistry Rominfor Association Ministry of Education and Research Research networks and networks of centres of excellence financed by the MATNANTECH

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation Research and Innovation for the New Economy (Knowledge-based) (2001 – 2005) Information Society Biotechnologies Technologies for Aeronautics and Space New Materials, Micro and Nanotechnologies Agriculture and food Environment and energy Research and Innovation for Economy Modernization (1999 – 2005) Transport Economical development through research and innovation Patterns aplication Strengthening of the infrastructures for quality and standardization Quality and standardization

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation Research and Innovation for the New Economy (Knowledge-based) (2001 – 2005) Information Society Biotechnologies Technologies for Aeronautics and Space New Materials, Micro and Nanotechnologies

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA Development of knowledge in science and engineering of new materials, micro and nanotechnologiesc Development of new technologies and advanced materials Promoting of international cooperation Promoting of excellence in the fields of new materials, micro and nanotechnologies Development of support actions, R&D infrastructures (workshops, networks, centers)

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA Composite materials Smart materials Biosubstances and biomaterials Materials for process engineering, chemical and environment applications Synthesis and powder processing Advanced materials with electrical, magnetical, optical and thermomechanical properties Micro and nanoelectronics and optoelectronics Micro and nanotechnologies for interfaces, traductors and microsystems Nanostructures materials, micro and nanstructures Support actions, R&D infrastructures – workshops, networks, centers workshops, networks, centers

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA Programme development – Next steps … Priority thematic areas Opening-up of the national research programme Thematic networks, national networks

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA … and new challenges Involvement of private sector Application oriented to national and internationally important technology fields Education & Training Obstacles to the introduction of new materials, micro and nanotechnologies on the market

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA Romanian MATNANTECH R&D Programme New materials Micro, Nanotechnologies Support actions, Networks, centers Subprogram 1: Composite materials Subprogram 2: Smart materials Subprogram 3: Biosubstances and biomaterials Subprogram 4: Advanced materials with electrical, optical, magnetic and thermomechanic properties Subprogram 5: Materials for process engineering, chemical and environmental applications Subprogram 6: Powders synthesis and characterization Subprogram 7: Micro and nanoelectronics and optoelectronics Subprogram 8: Micro and nanotechnologies for interfaces, transducers and microsystems Subprogram 9: Nanostructured materials, micro and nanostructures Subprogram 10: Support actions, Thematic networks, centers of excellence

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA National Partnership

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA Biotechnologies BIOTECH Technologies for aeronautics and space AEROSPATIALE Information Society INFOSOC Correlations with FP 6 National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (2001) Research and Innovation for the knowledge-based economy (2001 – 2005) New materials, micro and nanotechnologies MATNANTECH

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA Correlations with FP6 Thematic directions Instruments –Networks –Centers of excellence

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA EU – FP 6Romania - NPRDI 1.Biotechnology and genomics 2.Information science technology 3.Nanotechnologies and nano- sciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials and new production processes and devices 4.Aeronautics and space 5.Food quality and safety 6.Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems 7.Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society 1.Biotechnology 2.Information society 3.New materials, micro and nanotechnologies 4.Technologies for aeronautics and space

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA MATNANTECH Instruments ( ) Thematic networks Network of excellence Network of excellence (virtual center) Training centers Centers of excellence

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA Romanian MATNANTECH R&D Programme Support actions, Networks, centers Subprogram 10: Support actions, Thematic networks, centers of excellence

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA Support action 2 Support actions: New Materials Technical Bulletin- New Materials Technical Bulletin - 5 Numbers (Romanian language) (Coordinator: CEPROCIM-Bucharest) Micro and NanotechnologiesBulletin – Micro and Nanotechnologies Bulletin – 6 Numbers (English language) (Coordinator: IMT-Bucharest) Budget ~ 12,000 Euro2 years ( )

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA Networks, Centers, Centers of Excellence 4 Thematic Networks Nanobioengineerig(BIONANONET) Nanobioengineerig (BIONANONET) - 11 organizations (Coordinator: IMT-Bucharest) Nanotechnologies(NANOTECHNET) Nanotechnologies (NANOTECHNET) - 13 organizations (Coordinator: IMT-Bucharest) Materials and structures for micro and nanoengineering(MINAMAT-NET) Materials and structures for micro and nanoengineering (MINAMAT-NET) - 7 organizations (Coordinator: IMT-Bucharest) Tough materials Tough materials - 6 organizations (Coordinator: CEFIN-Bucharest) Nanobiotechnology (CENOBITE) Nanobiotechnology (CENOBITE) - 9 organizations (Coordinator: IMT-Bucharest) 1 Network of Excellence Budget ~ 0.4 Million Euro4 years ( )

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA 2 Centers for Training and Consultancy Networks, Centers, Centers of Excellence Microengineering (CESME) - Microengineering (CESME) - 5 organizations (Coordinator: IMT-Bucharest) Nanomaterials, nanostructures, nanotechnologies (3N) Nanomaterials, nanostructures, nanotechnologies (3N) - 2 organizations (Coordinator: IMT-Bucharest) 3 Centers of Excellence Oxide multifunctional materials (TECHMAT) - Oxide multifunctional materials (TECHMAT) - 3 organizations (Coordinator: CEPROCIM-Bucharest) Microstructures, microsystems for microwaves Microstructures, microsystems for microwaves - 1 organization (Coordinator: IMT-Bucharest) Nanofabrication for nanostructures (NANOMATFAB) Nanofabrication for nanostructures (NANOMATFAB) - 7 organizations (Coordinator: IMT-Bucharest) Budget ~ 0.4 Million Euro4 years ( )

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA

Estimated results: Development of scientific knowledge in the field of science and engineering of new materials, micro and nanotechnologies New national and international projects, new networks and centers Scientific publications; mobility and exchanges Interactive working, new knowledge; Training for researchers Transfer of results to practical applications, innovative and competitive products and technologies Development of partnership between research and end- users

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA Conclusion: The networking at the national scale contribute to the creation of the European Research Area (ERA)

26th April 2004, From networking at the national scale to the integration in ERA Thank you for attention