Front Garden Area 1 Yellow potato onions Garlic, Green onions carrotsgarlic radsih parsley garliccarrots cukes lettuceSun flower eggplantzuchini basil narsuti um squash Green onions lettuce carrots ?
New strawberry tri-level planter 5 ft x 5 ft right triangle 12.5 sf growing space 24 strawberry plants 8 lettuce 3 flowers
South facing Garage side 2 and 3 onions garlic 4 o’clocks Egyptian walking onions cress lettuce oregano lettuce edama me radish okra marigolds Strawbrerry pyramid Egg plant lettuce Flowers and shisou lettuce peas edama me marigolds edama me peas Egg plant peas
Green Room north 4 strawberriesGreen onions oregano peppers Squash peppers basil eggplant okra cukes eggplant peppers
Center Yard Gardens Red winter White onions chives carrots garlic Green onions carrots parsley radish lettuce squash eggplant okra Red winter radish lettuce garlic lettuce spinach lettuce Green onions carrots tomatoeslettuce garlic cukes tomatoes flowersspinachtomatoes basil edamame flowers edamame peppers edamame flowers
Bee Hive deck Morning Glory, Sunflowers, marigolds, shisou, tomato Morning glory, sunflowers, marigolds
North Side Garden 9 lettuce marigold chives
North Side Garden 10 parsley flowers thyme carrots lettuce basil marigold
North Side Garden 11 marigold oregano 4 oclocks
Deck Side Garden endive garlic onions lettuce marigold garlic marigold
West Facing Garden 13 thyme
Mid back yard Garden 14 flowers lettuce