Labyrinths of Hope Society
2 To educate and inform the public of the benefits of Labyrinths in the community. To provide supporting activities and facilities to members and non-members for the purposes of self-help and self-care, building capacity at a localized level on a number of fronts. To aid and nurture societies to grieve, to heal to restore and reconnect their social and spiritual c onnections (both internally/individually and amongst the larger surrounding community. Fundraising activities to support the development of the organizations programming and in the delivery of specific services, conducted in close collaboration with the municipal government, business community and related philanthropic organizations. Purposes & Activities of Labyrinths of Hope Society
Development of Labyrinth
Construction of Labyrinth Fencing by Super Save (15 days) Excavation up to 2 to 3 days 2 days surveying complete layout of labyrinth 2 approx. days for construction of pathways 2 approx. days for placing hedging round flower beds up to 3 days Abbotsford firefighters manpower Open to donation benches by labyrinth (optional) Donated plaques along the pathways (optional) Grant money – plant purchase
Maintenance of Labyrinth
Labyrinth Space exists for:
7 Flowers – White Thyme-leaved spurge (Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia)Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia Artemisia columbia river mugwort/ Chamaesyce thymifolia thyme leaf sandmat Anagallis minima chaffweed phantom orchid/ Phantom Orchid (Cephalanthera austiniae) Claytonia washingtoniana washington spring beauty (O.Longistylis)Wild Chervil Angelica archangelica angelica (Antennaria margaritacea) Pearly Everlasting (Coptis trifolia) Golden Thread (Eupatorium perfoliatum) Boneset / Erythronium oregonum fawn lily
Flowers – Green Polypodium glycyrrhiza ‘longicaudatum’ licorice fern (Antennaria plantaginifolia)(var. Gnaphalium Americanum ) Plantain Leaved Everlasting (Chenopodium album) Lamb’s Quarters Andropogon virginicus broom sedge
9 Flowers – Yellow Orange Brown-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia triloba) Rudbeckia triloba Bidens vulgate tall beggarstick/ Flora lilium bulbiferum tiger lily/ Rudbeckia triloba spring gold/ Eriophyllum lanatrum wooly sunflower Mimulus glabratusvar.michiganensis monkey flower (Helenium autumnale var. grandiflorum) fall sneezeweed Epipactis gigantea stream orchid Aster subspicatus douglas aster (Argentina anserina) see (Potentilla anserina) Silverweed (Artemisia absinthium) annua biennis Wormwood (Oxalis acetosella) Wood Sorrel
10 Flowers – Blue/Purple Liquidambar styraciflua satin flower/ Berberis nerosa oregon-grape Delphinium bicolor larkspur Collinsia parviflora blue-eyed mary/ Allium acuminatum hookers onion campānus bell flower Lupinus rivularis stream bank lupine Oenothera Evening Primrose (Oenthera biennis) Iris versicolor blue flag (Cypripedium acaule) Moccasin Flower
11 Flowers - Red/pink Dicentra formosa pacific bleeding heart Dodecatheon shooting star Allium cernuum nodding onion/ Rudbeckia brown eyed susan (Asarum canadense) Wild Ginger G. columbinum Dove’s foot Geranium Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot Erechtites hieracifolia) Fireweed
Labyrinths of Hope Society We would like to thank you for your support: City of Abbotsford – Park Planners Abbotsford Firefighters General Volunteers Marv's Excavation & Associates Dr. Aimee Taylor, Horticulture Therapy Labyrinths of Hope Society Garden Crew Labyrinth of Hope Society – Garden Consultant Labyrinth of Hope Directors Super Save and more….