Summer Webinar Series Week 5: Customers with Mental Illness
Welcome & Introduction Carla Bresnahan, MA Licensed Mental Health Therapist St. Luke’s Counseling Center National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)
What is Mental Illness? An organic brain disorder that can affect mood, thinking and/or behavior
Depression Loss of motivation or interest Inability to see positive outcomes Difficulty concentrating & focusing Persistent feeling of sadness Inability to sleep or sleeping too much
Anxiety Disorders Constant worry & fear Irrational fears or concerns Panic attacks Strong heart palpitations Overwhelming & can be crippling
Bipolar Disorders Mood changes that may or may not go from depression to mania Rapid speech Risk-taking behaviors not normally present Irritable, cranky & negative behavior Overinflated self-esteem Grandiosity & increased talking
Schizoaffective Disorder & Schizophrenia Confusion May have auditory or visual hallucinations May have false beliefs or delusions May not make sense when they talk or may seem perfectly fine until they try to express their thoughts Little risk to others; very low percentage actually harm others
Prevalence of Mental Illness In a given year, 1 in 5 Americans will experience mental illness Over their lifetime, 1 in 25 Americans will experience a serious mental illness 70-90% of people who seek treatment for their symptoms see improvement in their quality of life
Tips During Interaction Simple greeting – build rapport Compliments – build relationship Remain respectful Use a soft, calm tone of voice Offer assistance in a positive manner such as: “Can I help you?” “Would you like to move to another seat?”
Tips During Interaction Conversational Distraction: Talk about topics not related to current task Environmental Distraction: Point out landmarks, places of interest, things to do in the community, etc.
Reacting to a “Situation” Remain calm, use a soft voice & give clear directions Remove individual from the environment: exit the bus, walk away from the stimulus, etc. Attempt to contact a close friend, family member, or staff for guidance Call for help if behavior is uncontrollable or if individual is a danger to themselves or others
Question 1 When working with an individual who has a mental illness, what is the proper terminology to remain respectful?
Question 2 What are physical or perceived barriers to an individual who has a mental illness within the community setting? On public transportation?
Question 3 What are some tips, tricks, or tools you find helpful when working with an individual who has a mental illness within the community setting? On public transportation?
Question 4 What are some safety concerns to be aware of when working with an individual who has a mental illness within the community setting? On public transportation?
Question 5 Do you have a specific example of a situation involving an individual who has a mental illness that did not go as expected? How did you handle the situation? What would you do differently or suggest others do instead?
Additional Resources National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) National Institute of Mental Health Treatment Advocacy Center City/state DOH Contact Information: Carla Bresnahan, MA St. Luke’s Counseling Center National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)