FP6 NoE: Multi-Material Micro Manufacture: Technologies and Applications (4M) General Overview
September MEC, Cardiff University 4M Partnership Co-ordinator: Cardiff University (UK) Belgium: KU Leuven; Spain: TEKNIKER; Netherlands: TNO; Germany: IMTEK, IZM, FZK, IPT, IBMT, IMM, Erlangen France: CEA; Sweden: IVF and KTH; UK: Cardiff, Cranfield, RAL 16 Core Partners Bulgaria: BAS Germany: IZFM, HSG- IMAT and BLZ France: LPMO Denmark: DTU Greece: Patras; Hungary: BUTE; 14 Associate Partners Rumania: IMT; Italy: Naples; Slovenia: Ljubliana; Sweden: IMEGO; UK: Bath and SCU; 14 Countries 20 decembrie 2004
September MEC, Cardiff University 4M Scope: Establishment of Capabilities for 4M Capabilities for Multi-Material Micro Manufacture: Miniaturisation Miniaturisation Serial Production Serial Production Rapid Prototyping Rapid Prototyping Future Product Platforms Future Product Platforms Component Micro- Technologies: Micromachining: Micro-EDM, Laser Ablation, Micro- Milling, Micro LIGA, Diamond Turning and Grinding, Dry Etching, Polishing, Micro-and micro-ECM. Micromachining: Micro-EDM, Laser Ablation, Micro- Milling, Micro LIGA, Diamond Turning and Grinding, Dry Etching, Polishing, Micro-and micro-ECM. Microfabrication: Embossing/Coining, Injection Moulding, UV & X-ray Lithography in Combination with Electroforming, Blanking/Punching, UV-casting, Stereolithography Microfabrication: Embossing/Coining, Injection Moulding, UV & X-ray Lithography in Combination with Electroforming, Blanking/Punching, UV-casting, Stereolithography Metrology Metrology Packaging & Assembly Packaging & Assembly Innovative Integration and Development of Hybrid Technologies Drivers Manufacturing capabilities Manufacturing capabilities – performance, reliability, customisation/agility Product competitiveness Product competitiveness – performance, customisation, reliability, functionality Legislation and environment Legislation and environment Cost Quality and conformance Quality and conformance Resource exploitation Business Needs and Requirements Applications Micro-fluidics Micro-fluidics: biological, medical, pharmaceutical and chemical engineering applications Micro-Optics Micro-Optics:telecommunication, biotechnological, instrumentation and medical applications Micro-sensors Micro-sensors and actuators:applications in medicine, biomedical field, health and safety, environment and process control. Common Requirements: High- Aspect-Ratio Structures, Enhanced- Forced Microactuation, Improved Environment Resistance, High Precision Microcomponents, and Unification and Standardisation
September MEC, Cardiff University Vertical Integration Vertical Integration Mapping Design for Manufacture and Assembly Database & Software 4M Design for Manufacture Approach Horizontal Integration (Application Driven) Application type Micro-fluidics Micro-fluidics Micro-Optics Micro-Optics Micro-sensors and actuators Micro-sensors and actuators: Common Requirements: e.g. High aspect ratio structures Unification and standards Design/Functional Features Assembly Features Inspection Features User Specification/ Requirements Horizontal Integration (Technology Driven) Manufacturing Features Assembly Features Measurement Features Process Simulation Tools Innovative Integration and Development of Hybrid Technologies Comp. Micro- Technologies: Micromachining, Microfabrication, Metrology, Packaging & Assembly Non-Silicon Materials: metals, plastics, ceramics, glass, etc. New Materials and Processes 20 decembrie 2004
September MEC, Cardiff University The Interdependencies and the Logical Links between Workpackages WP 1 Network Management WP 2: Divisional Operational Structure WP 3: Cross-Divisional Activities (Horizontal & Vertical Integration) (Horizontal & Vertical Integration) WP 4: Polymer Processing WP 5: Metrology WP 6: Assembly & Packaging WP 7: Processing of Metals WP 8: Processing of Ceramics Horizontal Integration (Technology Divisions) WP 11: Sensors & Actuators WP 10: Microfluidics WP 9: Microoptics Vertical Integration (Application Divisions) WP 12: Spreading of Excellence 20 decembrie 2004
September MEC, Cardiff University 20 decembrie 2004
September MEC, Cardiff University 20 decembrie 2004
September MEC, Cardiff University IMT expertise and involvement in 4M Ceramics processing micro-fluidics – micro-manufacture platforms for high pressure & high temperature applications; micro-fluidic manufacturing operations: compatible tooling and machining processes micro-optics – manufacturing of micro-moulds with free form surfaces in different kind of materials; assembly and testing of micro-optical systems micro-sensors and actuators – simulation and design (COVENTOR), micromachining, thin layers deposition, photolithography, masks fabrication, SEM, AFM, electrical characterization, packaging micro-components produced in different materials including IC-compatible ones 20 decembrie 2004
September MEC, Cardiff University Clean Room of IMT CHEMFET Sensor for pH, K +, Na +, Mg +2, Ca +2 determination Simulation (Coventor) of a differential pressure sensor (deflection at 0,1 atm) Microprobe for recording of cells and tissues electrical activity 20 decembrie 2004
September MEC, Cardiff University Laboratory of Microsystems for Biomedical and Environmental Applications CALORIMETRIC SENSORS Z-axis Displacement at 10.5 Volts (also showing deformation) Thermal distribution at 10.5 Volts Calorimetric sensor detects the heat that is a result of a burning reaction. The reaction takes place inside the ceramic pellet impregnated with the catalyst (heated at o C) and involves oxygen and a flammable gas. The resulting heat is detected as an imbalance of the bridge in which the sensor is connected 20 decembrie 2004
September MEC, Cardiff University Laboratory of Microsystems for Biomedical and Environmental Applications Design aspects The gas sensor was designed to have an uniform temperature distribution. The rounded shape of the heating resistor gives an uniform temperature distribution, with the maximum temperature in the center of the circle. Full layout Temperature distribution for the heater at 8V NEXT PROJECT: Micromachined Gas sensor on ceramics substrate 20 decembrie 2004
September MEC, Cardiff University 4M workshop in ROMANIA, October 6, 2005, Sinaia 20 decembrie 2004