Next Week Kidz Church Will Dawn Centre (Gr 5 & below) Teen Church Chapel (Gr 6 & above) Please stay for a cup of tea or coffee after the service. Members who require prayer meet in the chapel after the service. Prayer & Praise Requests: Dee Mitchell – bad fall, fractured pelvis. Minnie Phielix Mel Kleinhans Sunday 9 November 9am Service Preaching: Pastor Brian Dennison 6pm Service New Series Pastor Chris Anderson Wed 5 Nov 9:30am Ladies Bible Study in the Hall. Thurs 6 Nov 9am Ladies Bible Study in the hall. 4pm Prayer the Church, held in the Chapel Friday 7 Nov 3-4pm Prayer Meeting in the Village of Happiness Chapel to pray for our country and it’s leaders and world situations. Youth Programmes 5:30-6:30pm G63 (Gr 1-5) 5:30-7pm Junxion (Gr 6-7) 7:30-9:30pm Revamp (Gr 8-12) Sat 8 Nov 6:30 for 7pm Fun Quiz Night HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Muriel Schutte 3 rd Hannah Ovidi 3 rd Colleen Elliott 4 th Fun Quiz the church Saturday 8 November 6:30 for 7pm Tickets are R90/person, includes dinner Tickets are available form the office. ? Talk on Israel Ronnie Baker Hall, VOH, Saturday November 9am Pat Munro from Mdoni is coming to give a talk on Israel and share her life changing experience. Quiz Night Any companies, or individuals willing to donate prizes for Quiz Night – small or big prizes – please speak to Jo Snell Suggested Mission Statement from our Leadership Panorama weekend. Margate Baptist Church exists to GLORIFY GOD Through EVANGELISM-DISCIPLESHIP-FELLOWSHIP- WORSHIP By being a family where grace and love is unconditional, corporate worship essential, unity non-negotiable, and endeavouring to share Jesus with our community central. Kids Church during the Holidays We need teacher and helpers. Chat to Nicola Elliott or Monique Whelan.
BANK DETAILS Margate Baptist Church Standard Bank, Margate Acc No Branch No DUTIES: - 9 November Door Duty: Chris Allen / Mark Hannaway / Yvonne Serfontein / Linda Hansell Tea Duty: Young Adults (Olivia Luke’s Group) Lock up Duty: Marion Jones-Craig Lock-up Duty TODAY Pieter Theron Office: Youth Office: Senior Pastor: Children’s Pastor Chris Anderson Intern: Monique Whelan Youth Pastoral Interns: Meghan Aereboe JP Momberg Youth Workers Sarah Paxton Donne de Wet INCOMEEXPENSES SUR- PLUS SHORT MONTH / SEPT YTD Jan- Sept There are BIBLES in the cupboard at the back of the church. Please put them back at the close of the service. There are also cushions for the chairs, under the stairs at the back of the church. Sermon Notes: (having a hope that’s good for both now and later) Hebrews 6:18-20 “TAKING HOLD OF HOPE…” What is it? (Colossians 1:27) “Christ in you…” SALVATION “Jesus is alive!..” RESURRECTION Romans 10:9 What does it do? (Hebrews 6:19,20) Anchors the soul Guides us through Ensures our safe arrival HOPE IS A PERSON JESUS IS OUR HOPE __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ _ Church Family Christmas Lunch Saturday 29 November Good food and fun entertainment..