. An introduction to illustrate how artists can explore and develop ideas by collecting images and information, making drawings and sketches, playing with materials and techniques which can be later worked into ideas for designs. From resource to resolution Use of sketchbooks
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From resource to resolution Stones of Bath Variations on Poussin Untitled Foliate Head Study for Foliate head
From resource to resolution Farnborough Berkshire Studies for Fish Life and Butterflies Farnborough
From resource to resolution Coventry Cathedral Study
From resource to resolution Coventry Cathedral Baptistery window
From resource to resolution GREEN MEN Six Green men
From resource to resolution Set Design Tapestry Chichester Cathedral Design for Benjamin Britten Window Aldebury
From resource to resolution St Andrew’s Scole Norfolk St Peter’s Firle Essex
From resource to resolution
From resource to resolution
From resource to resolution Sketchbook
From resource to resolution Mumbles South Wales
From resource to resolution Developing sketchbook ideas through mixed materials and monoprint
From resource to resolution