CDR Roll out Practices M.Sridevi Sub Divisional Engineer (CDR) IT Projects Circle HYDERABAD
Premigration checks and post migration issues
- Size of team based on customer base - Activity wise member selection (Ex: SW, DS SDE/AO, CO etc) - SM ID creation and asking the SSAs to login for practice of docket creation in Service Manager. L1 and L2 Team Formation
N/W and SWITCH Connectivity.
- Check for AR to NIB,AR to AR,ER/E1s connectivity (pending things like STR allocation for STM1s). - Check for no. of Switches Technology wise - Check for Switch connectivity wrt provisioning and Mediation links (n/w level): - Pending things like Provisioning & Mediation cables from BSNL side as well as from HCL side. - Check for CRP Port settings,X-25 link creation, Login credentials etc. N/W and SWITCH Connectivity
Provisioning and Mediation. - Check for Switch Preparedness & confirmation by SSA. - Provisioning & Mediation checks:
IVRS. - Level1 Services. - IVRS access test from SSAs.
Routing Diagram of IVRS from AP, KERALA, TN & KNK Circles TN SSAs (19,50,010) KERALA SSAs (33,85,569) Coimbattur Local/tandem Bangalore Local/Tande m KTK SSAs (20,75,119) Data Centre(HYD)IVRS 15 PRAs Trichy Local/tandem Bangalore Local/Tand em Ernakulam Local/tandem Ernakulam Local/tandem 15 PRAs 7 PRAs 12 PRAs 7 PRAs CHENNAI 08,09,832 CHN Local/Tan dem CHN Local/Tan dem 8 PRAs AP SSAs Tax1 Tax2 Loc Exch 9PRAs Routing diagram
User creation,Training and Mock Run - Check for the SSA core group participation in mock run Readiness of PC, Printer, PrePrinted Stationary.
Check for PMS Receipt and PS file. - Check for 3X6 PMS receipt printing in Cash Counter with (TVS/EPSON ) printers. - Sharing the PS file to the BILL printing vendor for checking. - Checking the FTP Server access by SSA where PS file, SLR provided after migration.
Online Bill Payment channels. Ex: E-seva APOnline Friends Data cleansing. -Inventory data errors
Gross Calls Comparision (GCC). Procedure: Dry Run. - Check for the pending issues resulted in dry run SSA/TCS side.
Reconciliations. - BB User ids - Source vs Target plan - Switch vs dotsoft reconciliation for VPT, FLPP and Centrex etc. Additional checks.