PURPOSE To help students with limited English proficiency (LEP) to master the state curriculum. To teach English to all students in the program.
WHO DO WE SERVE? Children who have a language other than English in their homes and need help learning English. English speaking children may also participate in bilingual education programs to become proficient in two languages.
HOW ELSE WILL THE PROGRAM HELP? Helps build knowledge and learning of academic subjects in the first language and in English. Instills in children a positive identity, pride in their cultural heritage, self- assurance and confidence.
HOW ARE PARENTS NOTIFIED OF THE PROGRAM? Personal contact at registration Eagle TV – Channel 11 Information letters sent home
PARENT QUESTIONS… Will my child be taught the same subjects and learn the same skills as students in the regular program? Will my child learn English? YES
Contact Pecos-Barstow-Toyah ISD Bilingual Education Juanita Davila, Director 1301 South Eddy Street – PO Box 869 Pecos, Texas (915)
Contact Texas Education Agency Bilingual Education Unit Division of Curriculum and Professional Development 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas (512)