Canadian Colonization First Nations (known as Native Americans) Europeans followed later… 1. __________________ 2. __________________ Settled _________________________ 3. __________________ Settled _________________________
French & Indian War Between _________________________ France ceded to Britain ______________________________________ -Both French and English settlers stayed, this caused a conflict -Canada was split into ________________ & _________________________
Settling Canada Switch from Agrarian to Industrial and Service Economy Reasons for settling in Southern Canada –1. –2. –3. –4.
Canadian Government Independence in 1931 from Britain – it is currently a commonwealth Parliament: Head of Government – Government consists of 2 Houses: –1. - –2. -
Canadian Government Political Parties & Elections Whichever political party is able to cobble together a majority confidence in the House of Commons chooses somebody to be the Prime Minister. For example: 4 parties with representatives in the House of Commons: A with 40%, B with 15%, C with 25%, and D with 20%. If Party A joins with Party B, that gives them an alliance of 55% - a majority. That means Party A chooses the Prime Minister.
Social Issues Social issues: 1. ______________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________
Poverty A homeless population between 200,000 and 300,000 people. While another 1.7 million residents struggle to afford housing. ½ of all Canadians fear poverty. 49 % believe they would be in poverty if the missed a paycheck or two. –How can Canada solve the issue of Poverty?
Substance Addiction __________________ use by teens is the highest among Canada’s population __________, ___________________ and _______________ are also issues facing Canadian citizens
Cultural Differences There are two main languages spoken in Canada: –1. –2. ______________, _____________, and _______________ –Fur trappers and traders ____________ _____________ Aboriginal –Eskimos or Inuits…also known as Native Americans Muslims –Immigrants from the middle east What kinds of issues would the people of Canada face with such a diverse population?