Matt Parry Executive Director Environment Canada Prairie Regional Adaptation Collaborative Meeting February 16, 2012 Regina, Saskatchewan Overview of federal.


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Presentation transcript:

Matt Parry Executive Director Environment Canada Prairie Regional Adaptation Collaborative Meeting February 16, 2012 Regina, Saskatchewan Overview of federal climate change impacts and adaptation activities

Page 2 – September 15, 2015 Table of contents Purpose: to provide an overview of federal impacts and adaptation activities, including the Federal Adaptation Policy Framework Federal impacts and adaptation activities Development and key elements of the Framework Overview of federal adaptation funding Contact information

Page 3 – September 15, 2015 The federal government has a long history working on impacts and adaptation Research on physical impacts since 1978; socio-economic impacts since 1984 –EC led a national assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation in the 1990s, the Canada Country Study (1998) NRCan coordinated the federal Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Program from 1998 to 2006, which funded research and facilitated collaboration across the country In 2007, the Government invested $85.9M over four years in six adaptation programs through EC, NRCan, INAC, HC, and PHAC Recent federal products that provide an information foundation: –EC’s climate change scenarios and impacts and adaptation research, including guidance for disaster management planning and infrastructure codes and standards –NRCan-led national vulnerability assessment (2008) –HC’s Human Health in a Changing Climate assessment (2008)

Page 4 – September 15, 2015 The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRT) Climate Prosperity program The NRT Climate Prosperity series features three (of six) reports on climate change impacts and adaptation: –Degrees of Change: Climate Warming and the Stakes for Canada (December 2010) outlines the risks and benefits a warming climate poses to Canada’s environment and economy and how Canadians can adapt –Paying the Price: the Economic Impacts of Climate Change for Canada (September 2011) explores economic impacts at the national level and for timber supply, marine coasts, human health, and ecosystems –Currently working on a report on business resilience, which will include advice on how governments can encourage adaptation in the private sector (due out in spring 2012) Contact: –Jimena Eyzaguirre, –Suzanne Loney, –

Page 5 – September 15, 2015 EC’s role in helping Canadians adapt to climate change includes the provision of science to inform decision-making EC has a mandate to provide the science foundation for impacts and adaptation research and planning in Canada –Historical / observed climate data –Climate modelling and projections of future climate –Climate change prediction and scenarios –Climate information to ensure infrastructure resilience via updated codes and standards –Water quantity and availability information EC provides this information to Canadians, other departments, other levels of government, and domestic and international organizations to inform decision-making EC also coordinates environmental policies and programs for the federal government, and is the federal policy lead on adaptation

Page 6 – September 15, 2015 Other departments also have an important role to play in helping to ensure Canadians can adapt Other departments and agencies, especially those with explicit adaptation programs, are actively engaged with various stakeholders in applied adaptation practices and research For example, AANDC, HC, and NRCan work with community, public health, and professional practitioners –AANDC helps enhance adaptive capacity in Aboriginal and northern communities –NRCan has supported tool development in the planning and engineering communities (e.g., training modules, vulnerability assessment protocols) –HC helps enable public health professionals to detect, assess, and respond to climate change-related health threats Individual departments also have various ongoing activities relating to adaptation, usually involving the development of tools and best practices based on and tailored to their areas of expertise

Page 7 – September 15, 2015 The Federal Adaptation Policy Framework was ratified with the passage of Budget 2011 The Framework was developed to support internal federal adaptation planning and highlights the importance of incorporating climate risk into decision-making (i.e., mainstreaming) It sets direction on domestic adaptation at a high level –Recognizes the federal role must be limited and focused –Emphasizes advancing scientific information, tools that underpin adaptation decision-making, and sharing knowledge –Assists in establishing priorities for future action Responds to Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development (CESD) audit; EC has informed the CESD (and other departments) of the Framework EC is developing guidance on how to conduct a departmental climate change risk assessment to advance the mainstreaming element of the Framework

Page 8 – September 15, 2015 Origins of the Framework The CESD made a number of recommendations on how to improve federal adaptation policy and activities: –Activities in climate science should be organized to make sure that federal departments and others obtain needed information –Federal departments should clarify how they intend to manage their own adaptation efforts –The Government should develop a federal adaptation strategy and action plan EC led the development of the Framework in consultation with over 20 federal organizations –In recognition that impacts vary across department, as well as their knowledge of the subject and capacity to respond

Page 9 – September 15, 2015 Overview of the Framework The Framework helps guide the Government’s efforts on adaptation: –Structures the government’s role with respect to adaptation and assists it in establishing priorities for future action –Applies to domestic policy and actions on adaptation –Is an internal federal policy, with the option of future public announcements or further public policy development However, the Framework is not a comprehensive adaptation strategy. It does not: –Identify specific priorities –Establish or prescribe quantified measures, targets, or timelines –Establish internal or external coordination mechanisms

Page 10 – September 15, 2015 Objectives Canadians understand the relevance of climate impacts on their quality of life –Canadians adapt to a changing climate by taking action to reduce negative consequences and to take advantage of new opportunities Canadians have the necessary tools to adapt effectively –Including, for example, decision-support systems, maps, data and information, and guidance The Government as an institution is resilient to a changing climate –Need better understanding of climate change implications for federal policies and operations –Significant federal infrastructure and resources at risk

Page 11 – September 15, 2015 Federal Role Generating and sharing knowledge –Providing information needed to support achieving objectives –Identify and fill priority knowledge gaps, disseminate information Building adaptive capacity to respond and helping Canadians take action –Decision tools, assessing impacts and adaptation options –Collaborative action across multiple sectors and jurisdictions –Pool and manage risks Integrating adaptation into federal policy and planning –Identify and respond to risks and opportunities –Fulfill fiduciary responsibilities –Demonstrate leadership by example –Wide range of domains; some directly impacted by climate (e.g., agriculture), others indirectly (e.g., immigration)

Page 12 – September 15, 2015 New programs were developed in the context of the Federal Adaptation Policy Framework In 2010, EC led an interdepartmental process involving 10 departments and agencies to develop adaptation program proposals to replace programs that sunset in March 2011 Proposals were closely tied to a clear federal role outlined in the Framework, and are consistent with where the Government is best positioned to act: –Advancing scientific information and tools that underpin adaptation –Capitalizing on federal strengths not replicated outside Government –Supporting the integration of climate change considerations into ongoing risk management procedures (mainstreaming) Programs based on knowledge gaps and organized around four themes: science, health, the North, and economic competitiveness

Page 13 – September 15, 2015 Budget 2011 announced funding to improve our understanding of climate impacts and to support adaptation planning and decision-making In November 2011, the Minister of the Environment announced the Government will spend $148.8 million over the next 5 years on 10 adaptation programs from 9 departments and agencies –Expands the number of departments and agencies involved and increases the overall level of federal funding for adaptation EC’s Climate Change Prediction and Scenarios program will: –Enhance global and regional climate models and develop and improve climate change scenarios –Additional work will focus on the development of specialized information on climate extremes for infrastructure design, codes and standards Contact: –Marjorie Shepherd, –Greg Flato,

Page 14 – September 15, 2015 Federal adaptation programs ($148.8M) 1.Climate Change Prediction and Scenarios Program (EC, $29.8M – continuation of an existing program) 2.Aquatic Climate Change Adaptation Services Program (DFO, $16.6M – new program) 3.Understanding Climate-Driven Ecological Changes in Canada’s North (PCA, $2.4M – new program) 4.Heat Alert and Response Systems (HC, $8.5M – continuation of an existing program) 5.Climate Change and Health Adaptation for Northern First Nations and Inuit Communities (HC, $10M – continuation of an existing program)

Page 15 – September 15, 2015 Federal adaptation programs (continued) 6.Preventative Public Health Systems and Adaptation to a Changing Climate (PHAC, $12M – continuation of an existing program) 7.Climate Adaptation and Resilience Program for Aboriginals and Northerners (AANDC, $20M – continuation of an existing program) 8.Integrating Adaptation into Codes and Standards for Northern Infrastructure (SCC and AANDC, $3.5M – new program) 9.Enhancing Competitiveness in a Changing Climate (NRCan, $35M – continuation of an existing program) 10.Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative (TC, $11M – new program)

Page 16 – September 15, 2015 Contact information For more information please contact: –Matt Parry, Executive Director, Policy Development, Strategic Policy Branch, Environment Canada,

Page 17 – September 15, 2015 Conceptual overview of the Federal Adaptation Policy Framework Annex

Page 18 – September 15, 2015 The Federal Adaptation Policy Framework Criteria Federal Role Vulnerability Nature of Impact: climate change + sensitivity Appropriate federal action Unique federal role and responsibility Unique federal capabilities Timeliness of action Effectiveness of action Mainstreaming ability Collaboration potential Canada is resilient to a changing climate by successfully adapting to the challenges and opportunities, and ensuring the health, safety, and security of Canadians and Canada’s environmental, social, and economic wealth in a long term and sustainable manner. Vision Generating and sharing knowledge Building adaptive capacity to respond and helping Canadians take action) Integrating adaptation into federal policy and planning (mainstreaming) 1. Canadians understand the relevance of climate change and associated impacts on their quality of life. 2. Canadians have the necessary tools to adapt to climate change effectively. 3. The federal government, as an institution, is resilient to a changing climate. Objectives