Course Outline: Socio-economic Study of Bangladesh Presented by Abdullah-Al-Helal Lecturer, GED Northern University Bangladesh E-mail:
1. An Orientation (the mission and vision of NUB) Introduction of the Course Branches of Scientific Knowledge, Definition of Socio-economic Study of Bangladesh, Significance of the Course to the Students of Pharmacy/ Law/ CSE/ECE/English/BBA/MBA.
2. Society and Social Class Society :Definition of Society & its Characteristics; Type of Society & Social Class: Marxist view, Non-Marxist view, Islamic View & Comparison.
3. Profile of Bangladesh: At a glance Geographical & Environmental Aspect; Historical Aspect; Political Aspect; Economic Aspect; Demographic Aspect; Language, Literature & Educational Aspect; Ethnic & Racial Aspect, Religious & cultural Aspect; Social Aspect.
4. Socio-economic & Political Profile of Bangladesh: A Historical Comparison Partition of Bengal in 1905. Its background, results, seed of independent movement, rise of Muslim nationalism. Partition of India in 1947. Background (two nation theory), various Commission, forms of government.Independence movement – language movement, 1954 election, 6 points movement, 1969 movement, 1970 election. Liberation war: background, economic discrimination, declaration of independence, surrender and aftermath.
5.Urbanization in Bangladesh and economic system Tendency of Rural- Urban Migration (Urbanization), Open Market Economy & Globalization (On the Way of Capitalism).
6. How to Develop National Economy of Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis . Concept ‘Development’ measured by Developed Nations (Modernization, Overcoming Structural Problems such as Traditionalism, Feudal Character, Population Growth, Corruption, Lack of Good Governance & Democracy, Lack of Education, of Nutrition, of Infrastructure Development).Reaction of 3rd World nations against Development measures of Western Scholars: 3rd World Development of underdevelopment as a result of Capitalism Exploitation, Unequal Consumption of Resources, Dependency, Foreign Aid by Donor Countries including World Bank and IMF. Development Vs. Sustainable Development: Bangladeshi Context .
Mid-Term Examination Date announced by the department. 7 Mid-Term Examination Date announced by the department. 7.Bangladesh Issues of Problems & Prospects Corruption Population Growth Political Instability, Lack of Good Governance & Rule of Law Lack of Education Lack of Health Services, Sanitation & Hygiene: Different Diseases Unemployment, Poverty & Malnutrition Lack of Infrastructure Development Women Empowerment
8. Major Income Sources Labor Force and Garments Industry Agriculture
8. Role of Private Sectors: NGOs & Developing Agencies NGO activities in Bangladesh. Micro-credit program in rural and urban areas. NGO- development and dependency; Poverty alleviation- the role of NGOs and developing agencies, social service and poverty alleviation. Youth, women and rural development programs for P.A.
9. Presentation Review of the Whole Syllabus through Individual/ Group Presentation Semester Final Examination Date announced by the department