MWDBE Certification Information Workshop 425 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA /
Advancing business opportunities by certifying and connecting minority business enterprises to corporations and buying entities. Certify - Develop - Connect - Advocate MISSION STATEMENT
Chartered in 1972, the EMSDC* is part of the NMSDC (National Minority Supplier Development Council) Network, which includes regional councils, matches more than 12,000 certified minority businesses (Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American) with its more than 4,000 corporate members that want to purchase their goods and services. In 2010, NMSDC member corporations purchases from minority-owned businesses exceeded $100 billion. *EMSDC was formed in 2014 when the MSDC of PA-NJ-DE merged with the Western PA MSDC QUICK FACTS
Not Pictured: Raj Chopra, PECO/Exelon Jayshree Moorthy, Frontier Technologies, Inc.
STAFF Philadelphia Office Victoria Hosendorf Corporate Relations and Operations Elizabeth Munoz-Ortiz Business Certification Felicia Pabon Administrative Assistant Christine Robertson Public Affairs and Events Shirley Wilson Office Assistant Pittsburgh Office Jan Fleishner Business Certification Meg Crossan Administrative Services Danielle Strother-Rush Accounting Alexander Nichols, Jr. President & COO Geoffrey Kent Interim CEO
The experience of attending the Kellogg program is indescribable as a businessman. It has prepared me to forge ahead in our competitive environment and given me the tools to improve my business and get to the next level. Peter Cooper Peter Cooper, President Cooper Trading, Inc. TESTIMONIALS
I know there is no way I would have built my business to its current capacity without my NMSDC certification. Charles Sanders Charles Sanders, President Urban Lending Solutions NMSDC CorporatePlus ©
TESTIMONIALS EMSDC membership has given the Pittsburgh Public School Board access to MBEs that have been properly vetted to provide products and services to our agency and to assist us in increasing our diversity spend. Paula B. Castleberry M/WBE Business Coordinator Pittsburgh Public Schools
VALUE PROPOSITION Programs Procurement Briefings Lunch-n-learns E-introductions How to do Business with Corporations Town Hall Meeting Quarterly Meetings
VALUE PROPOSITION Certification Post-certification/ MBE Orientation Dissemination of opportunities/bids Dissemination of resource partners events Dissemination of financial services Communications/Public Affairs Quarterly Newsletters MBE Heritage Series Annual Report
VALUE PROPOSITION Basic Services Inclusion in and access to MBE database Advocacy related to Minority Inclusion Issues Certification with NMSDC Certification site visit Discount to event functions (procurement convention) Certification certificate issuance Process certification paperwork Certification accepted by State of PA for their Certification Directory of Corporate Members with contact information
COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY DEPARTMENT OF MWDBE *Private *PNC *EQT *Dupont *UPMC *PJ Dick *Johnson & Johnson *ALCOA *Giant Eagle *Verizon *County Agencies *Allegheny County *Department of Transportation *Allegheny County *Port Authority *SEPTA *SEA *Airport *City of Pittsburgh 8(a) *Federal Agencies CERTIFICATIONS
DEMOGRAPHICS Members By Industry
APPLICATION PROCESS visit click the certification
Application Process 1. Submit registration 2. Check and click on the confirmation link 3. Follow link “Click here to start the MBE Certification”
Application Process
ALL BUSINESSES ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT: Fictitious Business Statement - DBA Proof of U.S. Citizenship Proof of Ethnicity for Owner(s), Partners, Shareholders Two Years of Federal Tax Returns Current Financial Statements Notes Payable Applicable Operating Business License and/or permits Lease Agreement Signature page of homeowners deed or mortgage receipt Resume(s) of owner(s), partners or shareholders Equipment Rental and Purchase Agreements Current invoice receivables with proof of payment Equipment owned or available Proof of Bonding Capacity Bank Signature Card Non-refundable processing fee Indian/Native Americans Blood Degree Certification (tribal registry, etc)
Application Process FRANCHISES SUBMIT: Franchise Agreement PARTNERSHIPS SUBMIT: Partnership Agreements Buy Out Rights Profit Sharing Proof of Capital Investment Third-party agreements: management service agreements Certificate of Authority to Transact Business Certificate of limited partnership or certificate of formation General/Limited Partnership corporate documents
Application Process LLCs SUBMIT: Assumed Name Certificate Certificate of organization Articles of Organization or Certificate of Formation Articles of Amendment or Certificate of amendment Operating Agreement Proof of Capital Investment Minutes of the organizational meeting or minutes of the meeting Minutes of the last meeting where members were identified and elected Copy of both sides of all certificates of ownership issued (no specimen) plus the next consecutive certificate not issued Copy of ownership transfer ledger or copy of membership transfer ledger Copy of any membership unit options or other ownership options outstanding as well as agreements which restrict ownership or control of minority owners Proof of unit purchase Certificate of Authority to Transact Business – Foreign Entity Certificate
Application Process CORPORATIONS SUBMIT: Assumed Name Certificate (filed with the Secretary of State) Certificate of Corporation Article of Incorporation or Certificate of formation Articles of Amendment or Certificate of Amendment Proof of Capital Investment Minutes of 1st Organizational Board Meeting Minutes of the last Board meeting Minutes of the last meeting where officers were elected Copies of both sides of all stock certificates issued as well as the next consecutive certificate not issued Current Stock Ledger Proof of Stock purchase Copy of any stock options or other ownership options outstanding as well as agreements which restrict ownership or control of minority owners Certificate of Authority to Transact Business
Application Process After application has been submitted Prepare and mail in the documentation Pay the certification fee online or mail check along with documentation
Application Process After application, payment and documentation has been received EMSDC will review application and conduct a site visit The certification committee will review the application the last Thursday of the month If approved you will receive your certificate in the mail
OPPORTUNITIES TO CONNECT September , 2014 Caesars Atlantic City Resort May 13, 2015 Monroeville Convention Center 2015 Date and Location TBD October 3, 2014 The LeMont, Pittsburgh, PA December 5, 2014 Philadelphia, PA
MWDBE Certification Information Workshop 425 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA /