1FLO.PPT LAST REVISED: 17 JULY 2008 Citizens Serving Communities Flight Line Operations Developed as part of the National Emergency Services Curriculum Project
2FLO.PPT LAST REVISED: 17 JULY 2008 Citizens Serving Communities What is the Flight Line Staff Responsible For? Flight line operations is much more than just marshalling aircraft - it’s also: –Record Keeping –Coordination with the FBO –Airport Surveys –Flight Line Supervision
3FLO.PPT LAST REVISED: 17 JULY 2008 Citizens Serving Communities Record Keeping Supervisor’s log Reimbursement procedures –Do you have a credit card on file or is the wing billed? –Do the crews pay their own expenses initially Other reporting requirements
4FLO.PPT LAST REVISED: 17 JULY 2008 Citizens Serving Communities Coordination With the FBO Parking Operations Fire guard duties Flight line security Fueling procedures and payment methods Maintenance Vehicle operations
5FLO.PPT LAST REVISED: 17 JULY 2008 Citizens Serving Communities Airport Surveys Hazards –taxiway/runway restrictions –other regular operations –birds Unique Procedures Parking areas & taxi routes –determine best of each –identification on airport map Coordination with air operations staff
6FLO.PPT LAST REVISED: 17 JULY 2008 Citizens Serving Communities Flight line Supervision Brief the Marshallers Identify qualified personnel –sufficient numbers for mission mgmt. Ensure proper use & wear of safety gear Ensure use of proper signals on flight line -Coordination with flight crews -Startup & shutdown procedures
7FLO.PPT LAST REVISED: 17 JULY 2008 Citizens Serving Communities Flight line Supervision continued Provide regular breaks & hydration Report taxi, takeoff, & landing times Ensure proper usage of local, portable, firefighting equipment Document fuel reimbursement procedures Report any mishaps immediately
8FLO.PPT LAST REVISED: 17 JULY 2008 Citizens Serving Communities Signalman’s Position
9FLO.PPT LAST REVISED: 17 JULY 2008 Citizens Serving Communities Flightline hand signals Outward motion with thumbs PULL CHOCKS Inward motion with thumbs INSERT CHOCKS Circle with hand START ENGINE Hands out making a pulling motion COME AHEAD
10FLO.PPT LAST REVISED: 17 JULY 2008 Citizens Serving Communities Flightline hand signals Motion forward, pointing left TURN LEFT Thumb up ALL CLEAR - O.K. Downward motion with palms SLOW DOWN Motion forward, pointing right TURN RIGHT
11FLO.PPT LAST REVISED: 17 JULY 2008 Citizens Serving Communities Flightline hand signals Hands crossed above head STOP Slash throat with finger CUT ENGINE Crossing hands over head EMERGENCY STOP
12FLO.PPT LAST REVISED: 17 JULY 2008 Citizens Serving Communities QUESTIONS? THINK SAFETY!