What are Webservices?
Web Services What are Web Services? Examine important Web Services acronyms (UDDI, SOAP, XML and WSDL) What are the benefits of Web Services?
What is/are Web Services? Web Services – The term web services has different meaning to the programmer and the end user. Programmer will define it as – a set of programming standards used to make different type of software talk to each other over the internet, without human intervention.
What is/are Web Services? To the end users – it is referred to as technology that’s delivers to the consumer information over the internet. The advantage of this is that it allows the consumer to receive information as a monthly, pay as you go service, rather then having it sent to them on a disk, and they will have to install themselves.
Web services let companies/agencies bridge communications gaps—between software written in different programming languages, developed by different vendors or running on different operating systems. Talk
Web Services are modular, self-describing, self contained applications that are accessible over the internet using a standardized XML messaging systems.
Types of computer programming XML – Extensible Markup Language SOAP – Standard Object Access Protocol WSDL – Web Services Definition Lanuage UDDI – Universal Description, discovery and intergration
XML - A common method for describing data, XML lets programmers write their own tags to identify information in a document and put it into context. Key Note: It is important to understand that XML was designed to store, carry, and exchange data. XML was not designed to display data.
<xs:element name="areadesc" type="xs:string" -
SOAP – (Simply Object Access Protocol ) A protocol for exchanging information in a decentralized, distribution environment. It defines a mechanism to pass commands and parameters between clients and servers.
WSDL (Web services Description Language) WSDL is code that allows different types of software to talk directly to each other. It defines how service providers and requesters communicate with each other.
UDDI (Universal Desription, Discovery, and Integration) Registry that will enable companies to find one another’s web services over the internet. Basically, it is a like the yellow pages, lets software discover what web services are available and how to hook up to them. (The meeting place for web services).
UDDI WSDL Service Consumer Web Services Finds Service Points to description Describes Services Points to Services SOAP Communicates XML Messages Communicates with the Services
Benefits of Web services Ease of use Reusability Consumption by both people and computers
Why are Web services receiving so much attention They run over the internet It support a set of standard software technologies that define how different computer systems should interact with each other.
How Do Web services Work Both sides need to talk speak XML They are not used to build new systems from scratch. It is a tool used for existing computer systems that you want to link together to create something new
How are Web Services being used Now? Internal with most companies In- house projects are less risky and easier to test. It will be about 12 to 18 months before most mainstream companies start building Web services that cross companies firewalls.
How will Web Services be used in the future? The envision is where companies list their web services in a public online directories. Other companies will be able to assemble a whole application together using other companies information.
When are web Services a Bad Idea? They are very risky. You don’t want to use web services in situations where transaction speed, reliability and security are important.