Don’t learn from the butterfly fluttering aimlessly from flower to flower in a garden -Danfoss
-Think and work in logical order and literally follow the direction of the current whether talking about hydraulic or electrical currents ? ? ? ? ?
-Determine whether the error is electrical or hydraulic, but remember: Without specified pressure and flow it is not easy to find the cause of failure
-Check whether battery voltage is correct -Check whether there is water on the battery cells -If a lot of water is missing the terminal voltage of the battery may be ok in unloaded condition, but loaded it will drop many volts
-Are the fuses intact and emergency stop and/or key contacts, if any connected? -Has a lead been shaken loose?
-Are the leads from the power supply correctly polarized, plus to plus and minus to minus? ?
If the user of the vehicle is present he should be thoroughly questioned about: -The kind of failure and influence on the system -For how long has he noticed that something was going wrong
-Has he been “fiddling” with leads and plugs himself -Has he got hydraulic and electrical diagrams at his disposal
before ACTING